Lots of internationals taking place, including World Cup qualifers, too. And australias bad start to their campaign has continued with a goal less draw in indonesia. After losing at home to bahrain, the aussies were desperate for a win. Nestory irankunda came closest in the first Half But Indonesia hung on to get their second point of in the group and stay above australia. There is another eight games to go and the goal is always to qualify go and the goal is always to auali ,.. go and the goal is always to auali.. qualify direct, but you have this extra qualify direct, but you have this extra playoff qualify direct, but you have this extra playoff spots, qualify direct, but you have | this extra playoff spots, but for me in this moment, i am just frustrated and need to go home to australia and have a really good to think about things. Bodycam footage of Nfl Star Tyreek hill being arrested has been released by Miami Police prompting a furious response from the wide receivers team. Hill
Used this winter in ukraine. But lets start in pennslvania. Live shot for you of the national constitution centre, in philadelphia where tonight, Kamala Harris and Donald Trump will meet for the first time, and maybe the last time. This is the only debate the two campaigns have signed up to. There will be no live audience, no opening statements tonight. Only the moderators that is abcs David Muir and Linsey Davis will be permitted to ask questions. And remember, each Candidates Microphone will be muted while the other is speaking. You can follow it live on Bbc News tonight. Our Special Programming Starts at 1am uk time. And there to guide you through it will be my colleage sumi somaskanda. Good evening to you. Big night, and i suppose a big opportunity for Kamala Harris the people who say they need to know more about her are the very same voters who are yet to make a decision. Voters who are yet to make a decision decision. Thats absolutely ri. Ht, decision. Thats absolutely right, chr
FreeIng up space was the only way to avert a crIsIs, after the PrIson PopulatIon reached record levels. MIllIons of pensIoners wIll lose WInter Fuel payments thIs year, followIng the faIlure of an attempt to block the cuts In parlIament. Payments wIll be restrIcted to all but the poorest pensIoners, after the government won a majorIty of 120 votes. An Inquest Into the death of steve dymond, who kIlled hImself a week after appearIng on thejeremy kyle show, has found InsuffIcIent evIdence to rule that partIcIpatIng In the programme caused hIs death. The coronor ruled hIs death was a suIcIde. VladImIr putIn has warned the UnIted States agaInst tryIng to outgun moscow In asIa, as he launched russIas bIggest Navy DrIlls of the post sovIet era. The russIan presIdent has accused washIngton of provokIng an arms race. If You ArejustjoInIng us, welcome to the programme. All eyes then, on phIladelpIa and the natIonal ConstItutIon Centre wHere tonIght, Donald Trump and Kamala HarrIs wIll debate fo
It could be the only Tv Debate between harrIs and trump. TonIght, newsnIght brIngs you the InsIde track on how the presIdent Ial candIdates are preppIng and how thIs prIme tIme Face To face could change the race. Hello and welcome to newsnIght, the place for excItIng IntervIews, InsIghts and debate and tonIght, one debate Is our focus, the showdown In phIladelphIa, In just a few hours tIme, between Donald Trump and Kamala HarrIs. Both Face Realjeopardy In thIs Tv Head to head whIch could decIde whIch of them wIll be presIdent. Last tIme trump debated hIs democrat rIval, It prompted the ImplosIon Ofjoe BIden s campaIgn, faced wIth unsustaInable pressure over hIs age. How wIll bIden S Successor Fare . In the newsnIght studIo tonIght. GabrIel gatehouse, whose new serIes of the award wInnIng the comIng Storm Podcast has launched thIs week on bbc sounds. Its about ConspIracy TheorIes dIvIdIng us polItIcs and Its grIppIng nIck Is of course here as ever. And from the states, GlorIa Allred Is