Mitchell kaplan has been a staunch supporter from the beginning and i can honestly say literally if not for him i would not be here. He owns the place after all. [laughter] it has been a great ride iou books and books so much its wonderful to have cspan here taping the show tonight this is big time. Before i get any further along lifetime new yorker declares himself florida resident he must have read the book. [laughter] because weve known about this development for quite a while. [laughter] hes not here yet . Save him a seat in the back. [laughter] the fact is i had a make it very clear to my editor and publisher that i was not intending to write about donald trump and i went up there to talk to them next year there is a big tellall book with the white house is coming out with what georgeanne morgan wanted was a tell nothing book and i told them mine was a story of a place and he would have to be in there but dont worry we were all the same page and off we went and the result is palm
See who really has what it takes for the tight race. On match day 14 clad back take on by on every centimeter. Would come out on top of the table top of the record champions who have little to show from their plethora of chances recently. Snapped consciousness was but ill mention got back really strong enough. So he lets us win sabado time to let someone else. Good place likes each of the last. Drop back to when they can go talk. To us neither is mans man take on his former club for. Me didnt get some youngsters i want to thank you so would my. Whats about to can they find their flow again do they still have a shot at. 1st they all have to take out just a little. But lets start off with the fact that his bio welcome to kick off on match day 40. Its not exactly been a whole thumbs up for bion this season. On the country where things are definitely looking up for glass but the stage was set at the brasier park as the League Leaders hosted the reigning champions. The previous weekend bide
The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from california seek recognition . Mr. Correa mr. Speaker, i move that the house suspend the rules and pass h. R. 3691. The speaker pro tempore the clerk will report the title of the bill. The clerk Union Calendar number 158, h. R. 3691, a bill to require the t. S. A. To develop a plan to ensure that t. S. A. Material disseminated in major airports can be better understood by more people accessing such airports, and for other purposes. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to the rule, the gentleman from california, mr. Correa, and the gentleman from tennessee, mr. Green, each will control 20 minutes. The chair recognizes the gentleman from california, mr. Correa. Mr. Correa thank you, mr. Speaker. I ask unanimous consent that all members may have five legislative days to revise and and to heir remarks include extraneous material on this measure. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Mr. Correa thank you, mr. Speaker. I yield
We count both those born here and those born in mexico because we provide services to both of them, different types of services. Ive been around in the United States in different posts. Ive been in san diego previously, ive been to atlanta, i been to the carolinas, and now im here in the bay area very happy. Damian how do you speak english so beautifully . Its perfect. Remedios well, thank you so much. Maybe its because ive been here a long time. Damian well, welcome to the bay area. So tell usyou just finished up the [speaking foreign language] labor rights week. What kind of feedback did you get . Are we still beare there people still being claiming that theyre being abused at work . Remedios oh, yes of course, and thats a very important effort that all the 50 Mexican Consulates in the United States celebrate and along with many of our local allies, with labor authorities, both of the federal and state level, and also with many nonprofit organizations that are dedicated to providing
Match in this short history as a Football Nation. Extend their 15 game unbeaten run and their latest European Championship qualifier against england. So is not in with the breaking news out of iraq at least 31. 00 pilgrims killed at one of the most sacred sites in shia islam they died in a stampede as hundreds of thousands gathered to mark the day of assura stretchers were seen carrying some of the more than 100 injured people into the holy city of karbala the government fears that number of dead 31 could well rise his child stratford in karbala 1st bring us up to date charles. Will come out weve just been visiting one of the hospitals to take it in some of these as you say 100 injured a lot of very out. Relatives and friends not allowed to go inside the hospital weve been speaking to some of the witnesses one man told us that he was. A stampede his friend to date injured he said the incident happened at a gate called russia now thats one of a number of gates on the hussein shrine and