Warner Bros. announced the end of Tomorrowverse, a brief but impactful animated film series, starting in 2020. After seven movies, the trilogy finale, Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths, set for 2024, will conclude Tomorrowverse. The series, although shorter than its predecessor, DC Animated Movie Universe, will culminate in an extensive three-part release. DC animation s future includes a shift to Safran and Gunn s shared universe and fewer standalone "Elseworlds" stories.
Harley Quinn has quickly become a DC icon - some argue she's the fourth DC pillar. But which among all her live-action and animated versions is the best?
The Joker remains one of the most iconic Batman villains in popular culture, and actors like Heath Ledger and Mark Hamill are among those who played him best.
John Constantine is coming back to TV (or at least streaming), as HBO Max is apparently gearing up for a new series based on the classic DC Comics magic-user.