Jan 20, 2021 4:49 PM Daytoa Beach, FL - A community policing program that Daytona Beach Police Chief Jakari Young talked about in December 2020 is now underway. The Park, Walk, and Talk (PWT) program is meant to get police officers in touch with the community. In an interview on December 3, 2020, Young says it comes down to basic communication skills. Find out who is in their zone. Know a little bit about them. If we re consistent in our efforts then when things happen, they will be less reluctant to come forward and speak to us and give us information. Trial runs of PWT have been taking place in the Midtown area since Young took over for retiring Chief, Craig Capri, last November. Young and several officers participated and based off those initial results,Young believes it’s time to expand into every one of DBPD’s 16 patrol zones right away. “It’s all about community engagement,” Young said. “Just