The understanding of what deterrence is has been misinterpreted, reinterpreted, run through a ringer, chopped up and turned into a hamburger. I mean, it s just that nobody there [at DoD] seems to understand what it means exactly, one former government official said.
Theresa Hitchens on February 02, 2021 at 3:33 PM
Instead of focusing on the pressing need to shore up vulnerabilities in current and near-term space capabilities, says one critic, Space Force and SPACECOM are all off trying to train for how they re going to go fight a space war.
Theresa Hitchens on February 01, 2021 at 7:01 AM
CHPS lunar patrol satellite, AFRL graphic
WASHINGTON: Advocates of expansive US ‘spacepower’ via aggressive actions to “dominate” the heavens from Earth’s orbit to beyond the Moon are likely to find the Biden administration much less supportive of their dreams, say a range of former DoD and US military officials, insiders and long-time space policy wonks.
email Here’s Who Will Be Running the Pentagon When Biden Takes Office
Dozens named in the most comprehensive roster published to date of who will be running DOD when the president-elect is sworn in.
Editor’s Note: Following additional reporting, Defense One has learned that six of the individuals named as part of the planning documents, Halimah Najieb-Locke, Carrie Kagawa, Seth Schuster, Susanna Blume, Tarun Chhabra and Tanya Bradsher, were named to the incorrect postings on the Pentagon s list. Some of these individuals are under consideration for roles outside the DOD. Chhabra and Bradsher have already been publicly named for a role on Biden s NSC. Those names have been removed from the list below for clarity’s sake.