in effect they could be in effect. if not, the consumer protections that are available through the affordable care act could come into the plan. could some small group plans being canceled because they do not comply with the aca. they change plans every year, that s part of the market strategy. decreases, some will see increases, yes? well, mr. pitts, i think that the president talked about health care costs going down for americans. i think that we have adequately documented that health care costs indeed have gone down based on a trajectory we would
this most critical stat, the number of americans who will actually have coverage january 1. do you have an estimate. sir, i think 365,000 through the end of november have enrolled in coverage and we are dealing with the issuers to confirm their actual payment. would you define enrollment. we are giving you the number of individuals who have chosen a plan. but not actually paid. through the end of november. the payment isn t due until mid-december in order to be fully covered. so ween we don covered. so we don t have those numbers. you can t guarantee the actual number of constituents who have coverage. not until they pay their premium. in october the ap reported a
september 14 memo listed monthly enrollment tarring test and this memo indicates the target enrollment number for the end of december is 3.3 million. bases on hhs s release this morning your department is more than 3 million off their target numbers, isn t that correct? through the end of november, that is correct. some news reports indicated 5.6 million individuals have had their policy canceled. isn t it the case january 1 more americans will have their coverage canceled than will have enrolled in an exchange. i don t know where the 5 million number comes from. i know people have been told their health plan doesn t necessarily match the aca compliance plans. they are not in grandfather plan and a number of those individuals are reenlisted and enrolled in plans. losing coverage and notified the plan they had doesn t exist
lawyers for the intelligence community. as well as james cole of the justice department. the nsa has consistently taken the position these programs are saving lives. these perhaps are protected lives by hoping prevent potential terrorist events over 50 times since 9/11. reporter: but the news that the nsa is using cookies to track data worldwide. they say the programs were not used routinely to collect data on americans. it s those statements that are
anymore are two different things. much like the millions of cancellations in the individual market the affordable care act requires the plans to comply with aca standards. the issue with the canceled plans and the president s broken prom fist you like it you can keep it, some of these individual plans do not comply with the healthcare laws 2014 requirements, correct? that is true or they did not stay in grandfather plan. what the law said if insurers left the plan in place an individual had in march of 2010, and there are millions of americans in those grandfather plans, that the plans stayed in effect through the implementation of the affordable care act. what about small group market plans? don t they have to comply with the aca standards? in the same way. if the grandfather plan stayed