Americans are taking more vacation days than in over a decade, with an average time off request of 32 hours. Executives are also taking longer vacations.
As part of efforts to streamline its operations, Chrysler's parent company, Stellantis NV, offered voluntary resignation packages to 33,500 US employees
As part of efforts to streamline its operations, Chrysler's parent company, Stellantis NV, offered voluntary resignation packages to 33,500 US employees
Other major consulting and accounting firms have also opted for downsizing in recent times. McKinsey is planning to cut 2,000 jobs after over hiring while KPMG too announced earlier this year that it will lay off 2% of its workforce – or about 700 employees – in the United States.
whichan they say is totally okay, and it introducesd it introduce of being non-binar the concepts ofy, being a nonbinaryga is,in ligain, little kidsttle kids, and using alternative pronou and usingns alternative pronouns. but why. but, look, why should any of us be surprised? the shouldgend anyer f ofluidie surprised? the gender fluidity movement maynt may have started on college campuses years ag have started on college campuses years ago, buto but n it s infiltrate infiltrated every aspect of corporate americ everya an aspeu corporate america and our public schools. r public schools. so trans employees, they check s employees, they checkboxes and s.g.boxes a applicants get the attention o and trans applicants get the attention of college admissions college admissions officers. and, of course, the entertainment industry they ve been officers and of course, on boa the entertainment industry. they ve been on board this for years. with this for years. and plot line after plot line you l