[gavel] the commission will please come to order and the second will call the roll. Commissioner singer. Present. Commissioner taylormcghee. Present. Commissioner chow. Present. Commissioner sanchez. Present. Car da. Commissioner karshmer. Applicant. The present. The second item and i was on vacation and the minutes are an earlier version of the resolution you passed. The updated version should be in your pile so the minutes should reflect the final resolution. Commissioners were prepared for a motion to accept the minutes and with the fact that the final version of the resolution will be in the minutes. Motion please. I move. There is a motion and a second already. Are there any corrections to the minutes . I had a question. Sure. On the request for follow up from Human Resources about progress on streamlining and making more effective hiring which seems to be a drag on progress in many of the departments in terms of meeting their objectives. When can we get that update . I believe th
Will. David pilpel again speaking as an idea. The report is good, comprehensive as usual. I think it would be helpful for the next few months up to the november election to include a category here for public financing. I believe there is only one candidate qualified but i think reporting on payments under the finance program would serve the publics interest and if there is anything else to report on the disclosure for november. I anticipate a lot of activity for. Candidates and ballot measures and heightly contested so if you can provide that in addition to the website and the dashboard with all of that that would be helpful. Thank you very much. All right. Turning to agenda item number eight. Items for future meetings . Commissioners have any items that they would propose for future agenda . Well, i am a newer commissioner so hearing from the public how often we talked about the commission and the Sunshine Ordinance Task force is talked about this referral process i am wondering if we
Of units that will hold for a cop all 10 are going to get the units if theres 10 they have to qualify. And this so keep qualifying. Thats why the marketing and preparation and the outreach and the preparation for the actual competition people are prequalified and ready so if the opportunity arises. The fact weve gotten 38 new certificates this year and half the year speaks to the fact that the program is still alive and well and people are applying and the word of mouth and theyre looking forward to it their existed about it when they apply and some of them express you dont i didnt think id use this but this is my guarantee when my family left im able to come back when any family left. Were working on marketing consistent across the different level of Affordable Housing and as well as the eligibility remits i think one of the things jeff spoke to the earlier in his presentation were working with our Development Partners to Start Marketing a little bit earlier maybe a lot earlier. And m
Of the regular meeting. Thank you very much. Soroom. I didnt hi okay. I now resume the regular meeting of the board. I am back at item f is the Board Members report i am remiss you forgot we had a Committee Meeting that vice chair recorded on so monday august 11th the school board met two items resolution supporting the equality in support assignments by commissioner weithorn, and, secondly, the staff recommendation for willie brown l junior there was no action at the meeting and the items will come back to the full board. Thank you and now well read out the closed session actions on august telegraph hill, 2014 Public Employment the board approved the contract for one principle one supervisor and one assistant principle and item u other informational items posted in the Staff Reports on the assessment of goitsz we had an adjournment statement so, now were adjourned. Thank you very [gavel] the commission will please come to order and the second will call the roll. Commissioner singer. P
Fair competition is critical to a freemarket area and competition spurs innovation and assures that resources are allocated efficiently. Because the free market cannot flourish without competition, a merger that decreases competition can undermine a freemarket. Thus, antitrust laws set limits on companies. Specifically, section seven of the clayton act prohibits mergers that lessen competition or tend to create a monopoly. This is meant to strike a balance between companies freedom to organize their affairs. Two of the four legacy carriers, American Airlines, which is then in chapter 11 bankruptcy since late 2011, and u. S. Airways, announced plans to merge. It would be called American Airlines but be led by u. S. Heirs chief executive officer. Chief executive officer. This is a highly technical inquiry and the department should be guided surely by the facts and the law, not politics or ideology. The basic question the department should seek to answer is, how this mergers impact on com