american jobs act. i m all for that. create jobs in illinois, create jobs in every single state. and the president is right on target. we ve got to build and make things right here, made in the usa. that s our number one slogan and motto for now and forever. so talk about jobs. what s the job situation in illinois? what s the unemployment rate right now? 10%. we have lots of work to do. you know, we created more jobs than any state in the midwest last year, but it s a major challenge coming out of a recession. yeah. you know, jobs follow brain power. we should never forget that. the best way to get better jobs is to have strong schools. from birth on. you know, early childhood education, we re investing in that and definitely investing in community colleges. i used to teach community college. right. we have a million students in illinois at community college and their average age is 31 years old. those are the heart and soul of our country those men and women. that s abso
one shift at our ford plant in illinois. right. we have three shifts now. they believe in what we re doing. highly skilled workers, market where we can sell cars, 21st century vehicles. mitsubishi is in normal, illinois. they re making electric vehicles and selling electric vehicles. normal, illinois is going to be ev town, electric vehicle town for the whole country. harold? health care. the law being challenged, not just the individual mandate but the medicaid portion, governor, how does that affect your state is not one of them. i imagine i know your answer. what are your impressions of what could happen if any of this is overturned? i support the president. you know, a lot of young adults who didn t have health insurance now have it thanks to the affordable care act. same way with those who have pre-existing conditions. i walked across our state from the mississippi river in rock island all the way to chicago and lake michigan on behalf of decent health care for everybo
it s 2011, man. i haven t worn a cap like that since 2009. i think he s terrific. my dad has a hat like that. just doesn t have the tail. wouldn t even try to do that holy cow. king of the hill. he was wearing the hat. it s chilly. it s fall. that was dale, king of the hill. i have to say, for everybody watching, i ve been in northwest florida for like 35 years. i ve never seen anybody in a coon skin hat. we ll switch gears, coming up. still ahead, illinois governor pat quinn, howard dean, eugene robinson. we ll be right back. [ ben harper s amen omen playing ] we believe doing the right thing never goes unnoticed.
i think our side will win. and getting better health care is part of getting economic recovery. we have to reduce the cost of health care for every day people. now, joe, the individual mandates parts we must focus on but the pharmacy services component particularly to underserviced communities, walgreens on veterans day providing the discount. we look at all these services provided in particularly under served minority communities, i hope the court agrees with you that the individual must be upheld as well as the medicaid. walgreens is headquartered in illinois, a great pharmacy store but now a wellness place. exactly. you can check your blood pressure, get a flu shot. we have food deserts where people don t have a lot of grocery stores. walgreens are selling fresh fruits and vegetables. we have to transform ourselves in the 21st century so that we re really focused on preventing bad things from happening. howard is a doctor. you believe in preventative health care that s the b
yeah. he visited illinois. we had 3200 national guard from our state in afghanistan. wow. right then. so let me ask you on something that illinois is doing. you guys are actually moving forward with high speed rail. there s been a debate for 25 years in florida about getting high speed rail. but you guys are actually moving forward and you ve had a line so if chicago cub fans want to go see the cardinals, or vice versa, that line is going to be completed when? 2014. we re the first in the nation to break ground for high speed rail. chicago to st. louis. it goes all through our state. and the trains go 110 miles an hour. yeah. we d like to go 220 on another line. we re looking at chicago to champaign and then maybe to st. louis from there. then 220 miles an hour is because of new track? yeah. new track and also we re building rail cars. we had a company come from wisconsin to illinois because wisconsin kind of gave up on high speed rail. this company nippon shiro is