>> yeah. >> he visited illinois. we had 3200 national guard from our state in afghanistan. >> wow. >> right then. >> so let me ask you on something that illinois is doing. you guys are actually moving forward with high speed rail. there's been a debate for 25 years in florida about getting high speed rail. but you guys are actually moving forward and you've had a line so if chicago cub fans want to go see the cardinals, or vice versa, that line is going to be completed when? >> 2014. we're the first in the nation to break ground for high speed rail. chicago to st. louis. it goes all through our state. >> and the trains go 110 miles an hour. >> yeah. we'd like to go 220 on another line. we're looking at chicago to champaign and then maybe to st. louis from there. >> then 220 miles an hour is because of new track? >> yeah. new track and also we're building rail cars. we had a company come from wisconsin to illinois because wisconsin kind of gave up on high speed rail. this company nippon shiro is