Why is in crisis half of the description clicks because 11 million americans upwards of 4 million are receiving no treatment to their lives lost to psychosis untreated serious Mental Illness represents a huge and unnecessary loss of human potential. It also makes our more dire social mission such as random acts of violence and sheltered homelessness Substance Abuse, and the disturbing rise of the rate of suicide i want to emphasize these problems are exacerbated not by serious Mental Illness but exacerbated by serious Mental Illness. Todays historic conversation draws broadly on the expertise of people from many disciplines and experiences and perspectives our goal is to put on the table a robust set of reforms how we go about delivering treatment to persons with serious Mental Illness. The Trump Administration has already begun the process of rebuilding our treatment system this very week the president will sign fiscal year 2020 appropriations bill that makes important in the improvem
Sees the monks of residences at the key of pictures law from the time rachel ruble live in moscow. You are watching arte international, 30 minutes of news starts right now. Western countries are provoking the ukraine conflict and benefiting from the human tragedy. Thats latimer put in this message to the 11th moscow conference on interNational Security. Heres more of the russian president s remarks in the community. Dont hold wits of long standing conflicts are being inflated in different regions of the world and you want to improve all the goal of those who do this is obvious to continue to benefit from human tragedies to pick nations against each other for the policy of adding fuel to the fire leads to is clearly seen in the example of ukraine, pumping billions of dollars into the neo nazi regime, supplying it with the equipment weapons, had munition sending its military advisors and mercenaries does everything to further inflamed the conflict. To draw their states into it, the russi
Be added to the queue. Each speaker may address the board once per agenda item for up to two minutes. You will hear a chime indicating you have 30s remaining and a second chime when your two minutes are up. At this time your microphone will be muted for the sake of equity. Item number one call to order for director sun hill. Director dunlop here. Director richardson here. Director brosnan here. Director howard here. Director azeem. Director rif. We do have a quorum. Wonderful and im so glad to see all of the Board Members here today in person. This is just terrific and welcome to the audience here. So well go to directly to the next item, please. Item number two, general Public Comment. This item is to allow members of the public to address the Treasure Island Development Authority board on matters that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Authority Board and that do not appear on todays agenda. In addition to general Public Comment, Public Comment will be held during each
Be added to the queue. Each speaker may address the board once per agenda item for up to two minutes. You will hear a chime indicating you have 30s remaining and a second chime when your two minutes are up. At this time your microphone will be muted for the sake of equity. Item number one call to order for director sun hill. Director dunlop here. Director richardson here. Director brosnan here. Director howard here. Director azeem. Director rif. We do have a quorum. Wonderful and im so glad to see all of the Board Members here today in person. This is just terrific and welcome to the audience here. So well go to directly to the next item, please. Item number two, general Public Comment. This item is to allow members of the public to address the Treasure Island Development Authority board on matters that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Authority Board and that do not appear on todays agenda. In addition to general Public Comment, Public Comment will be held during each
Be added to the queue. Each speaker may address the board once per agenda item for up to two minutes. You will hear a chime indicating you have 30s remaining and a second chime when your two minutes are up. At this time your microphone will be muted for the sake of equity. Item number one call to order for director sun hill. Director dunlop here. Director richardson here. Director brosnan here. Director howard here. Director azeem. Director rif. We do have a quorum. Wonderful and im so glad to see all of the Board Members here today in person. This is just terrific and welcome to the audience here. So well go to directly to the next item, please. Item number two, general Public Comment. This item is to allow members of the public to address the Treasure Island Development Authority board on matters that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Authority Board and that do not appear on todays agenda. In addition to general Public Comment, Public Comment will be held during each