When the house gavels back in, watch live coverage here on cspan. Back now to the white house summit on Mental Health. What i would like to do for a few minutes. Lets start with you. In terms of the imd exclusion that they express concerns if we live the imd exclusion we open the door to institutionalization of thousands of people. Do you have comments about that . It will not open the Door Community treatment will always be cheaper and government will always will be a cheaper option if it is effective. But then go back to snakepit conditions of the past of one flew over the cuckoos nest but it is the lack of money for hospitals that created substandard conditions allowing them more money that is truly therapeutic. And to have the panelist speak about the continuum of services that are needed to support the seriously mental ill. What do you see as a continuum of care what happens if you dont have those kinds of services . But these fights over scraps so now we are worried about inpatie
Why is in crisis half of the description clicks because 11 million americans upwards of 4 million are receiving no treatment to their lives lost to psychosis untreated serious Mental Illness represents a huge and unnecessary loss of human potential. It also makes our more dire social mission such as random acts of violence and sheltered homelessness Substance Abuse, and the disturbing rise of the rate of suicide i want to emphasize these problems are exacerbated not by serious Mental Illness but exacerbated by serious Mental Illness. Todays historic conversation draws broadly on the expertise of people from many disciplines and experiences and perspectives our goal is to put on the table a robust set of reforms how we go about delivering treatment to persons with serious Mental Illness. The Trump Administration has already begun the process of rebuilding our treatment system this very week the president will sign fiscal year 2020 appropriations bill that makes important in the improvem
Why is in crisis half of the description clicks because 11 million americans upwards of 4 million are receiving no treatment to their lives lost to psychosis untreated serious Mental Illness represents a huge and unnecessary loss of human potential. It also makes our more dire social mission such as random acts of violence and sheltered homelessness Substance Abuse, and the disturbing rise of the rate of suicide i want to emphasize these problems are exacerbated not by serious Mental Illness but exacerbated by serious Mental Illness. Todays historic conversation draws broadly on the expertise of people from many disciplines and experiences and perspectives our goal is to put on the table a robust set of reforms how we go about delivering treatment to persons with serious Mental Illness. The Trump Administration has already begun the process of rebuilding our treatment system this very week the president will sign fiscal year 2020 appropriations bill that makes important in the improvem