Sees the monks of residences at the key of pictures law from the time rachel ruble live in moscow. You are watching arte international, 30 minutes of news starts right now. Western countries are provoking the ukraine conflict and benefiting from the human tragedy. Thats latimer put in this message to the 11th moscow conference on interNational Security. Heres more of the russian president s remarks in the community. Dont hold wits of long standing conflicts are being inflated in different regions of the world and you want to improve all the goal of those who do this is obvious to continue to benefit from human tragedies to pick nations against each other for the policy of adding fuel to the fire leads to is clearly seen in the example of ukraine, pumping billions of dollars into the neo nazi regime, supplying it with the equipment weapons, had munition sending its military advisors and mercenaries does everything to further inflamed the conflict. To draw their states into it, the russian and Chinese Defense ministers were among the officials addressing the conference. They spoke about the future of military security and cooperation between the 2 nations parties. Donald quarter has more. The circus cycle spoke a lot, mainly about the kind of big picture takeaways weve seen so far from russia, special military operation. And ukraine said that moscows dealt a serious blow to neil colonialism. Threats, continue, destruction of ukrainian neo fascist battalions. And thats despite the fact that western weapons continue to flow into the country and a number of countries in the Asian Pacific region have begin to actively support the anti russian spear. This was something that the Russian Defense minister said is direct evidence that western military doctrine cannot offer superior already on the battlefield. In the midst of global western military dominance has been debunked. It certainly way in that direction. The special mich with ration to put an end to the dominance of the collective west and the mattress, p a. Its a benefit to impulse. Its of interest in various regions of the world has significantly decreased since the ongoing changes have increased at the role of the country. So thank you for coming in as an american that will assist in todays the rush. Hes the post noted by the on the force of ukraine, but by the anti collected west, which has recently been joined by individual states of asia pacific region. And because of its mitchell operation, the russian army debunk to many missed a ball of sep realty for west imagery standards. Despite the comprehensive assistance of the west, for the credit on the false is fails to achieve results. Its like a shy go, also reiterated the key of continues to use a civilians as human shields in this conflict, and it continues to position its military forces next to civilian infrastructure. This and essentially the entire defense doctrine of the european union. Russias defense minister said are 2 elements that are basically made and carried out in the interests of washington. Now, the Chinese Defense minister also spoke of it at the small scale conference on interNational Security. He said that taiwan is a specific issue thats internal to china and that no other country should think that they can metal in those internal affairs. And, and he also said that the um, the facing is close. Partnership with moscow is something that 3rd party. So should not think is directed against them. The taiwan issue is chinas internal policies. No one should interfere attempts to play with fire on the issue of taiwan and use it to contain china are due to failure. We are already conducting military exchanges with more than 150. 00 countries. At the moment. Rush and china have comprehensive strategic cooperation and Continuous Partnership development. Russian Chinese Military co operation is based on the principles of non alignment, not confrontation with each other, and not directed against a 3rd party. Now stay on the subject of the Strategic Partnership between moscow and beijing cycle. Also said that russia is willing to share what its discovered about the weaknesses of western military equipment with its allies. Obviously, specifically, were talking about here, china. So thats basically a rundown of the main points weve heard so far from this security conference in moscow. We start to finish it media director at the moscow conference on interNational Security. Had told us that simmons accession to nato is raising fears and the country. It was for us to do this change, of course out from the no trawlers based on politicians, decisions, not the people decision. So unfortunately, we cannot see that they will change the course and i think and what we see already there is coming after the in terms of natal. Now there is coming, a new defense packed with the united states. And that will, of course, create a critical problems for russian and russian security. And unfortunately, we cannot see that the finland states is turning its, its direction and people are living in a very growing fear. Because Everybody Knows that if you do such kind of things, uh how the russia will react. And they are afraid. Theres what kind of reactions will be. Now they are very much putting their hold on the nature of weaponry, that the nature will calm and bring some safety. But of course, russia will respond on these kinds of aggressive moves and russia. Well double its own defenses, and that will again bring a bigger fear and so finish people are leaving now in fear of whats going to happen next. Nobody knows because these positions have enough dawn in hills as the security conference in moscow continues. The russian army is carrying out front line operations. The Russian Defense Ministry Says its forces have launched a Long Range Strike on key Ukrainian Military positions on manned boat depots and munition times all targets were hit according to officials. And as Long Range Strikes for says quite a different operation is taking place on the front lines in the criminal i area, russian and special forces are recovering the abandoned bodies of ukrainian troops. And this, after hundreds of tea of soldiers were killed over the past day. According to russias Defense Ministry ortiz ego as done off, got an exclusive look at the recovery mission. But 1st, we must warn you. His report contains some images you might find disturbing. This land does not belong to the living. Its the domain of the debt. Our crew is embedded with a Russian Special task force on a great mission. How did you get groupon . Wish or not . They were calling this sense. Group has advanced of the moon position to retrieve the bodies of the killed ukrainian soldiers. You cant really get much closer to the front line here in the forest outside cream and now theres still bodies of ukrainian soldiers. Scott says, all around these trenches, the soldiers, the russian soldiers are telling me that the enemy does not bother with evacuating over evacuating them. So right now, these special as the special forces of the russian must battalion, they are busy. They are busy digging out and collecting these bodies to bring them to the russian side, and then exchange for those russians who perished and all right now on the ukrainian control territory. The premium forces had held the ground here since last year. Many so others kept fighting alongside the bodies decomposing in summer heat to please all new. I mean, so come up to the thing. This corpse has been living can claim for at least 2 months. No one wants it right here, right next to the positions of the enemy. There is no one stopping them from coming to claim these corpses here the remains. We continue further, excavations is a buddy line until what you showed me your oh, thats cool. Heres another body. Of an enemy soldier that doesnt even need to be dug up. There she lies. As his comrades in arms have not even tried to pull him out for a week away, she doesnt. The space with which the task is gravely perilous and often done at night. Creams troops fell back, but still only a few 100 meters away to the artillery knows every nook and cranny, hold space for anxious, but this doesnt stop precious search box. They will send me the cheapest and theyll also people. How can we leave them here . If the country doesnt need them, at least we can take them away from here, from the main reasons ukrainian troops observe all such evacuation efforts and they are not happy with them pretty quickly. Because this happens almost every time. There are very few cases when the evacuation takes place without shelly and then lets go. No one can tell so sure how many bodies of key of soldiers remain under the collapse trench edges. But retrieving them to give a proper burial is perhaps the only bits of humanity left to this otherwise, for sake and place. It gets done and proposing from the dont pass out. See the Canonical Orthodox Church is being destroyed by t of thats moscow. Statements in response to a raid by ukrainian Law Enforcement on one of the orthodox christianity is most significant sides the care of picturesque lava who was in the arrow volt, ideologies collapse, and in the struggle for a new world order, traditional religions are a source of strength and sovereignty for countries and people, which means they must be eliminated according to key f. Were now witnessing the manifestation of this approach in ukraine where Canonical Orthodox Church is literally being physically destroyed. The west makes it clear that the red line in this matter are completely absence. Execution lists are compiled and people are placed on them for not wanting to betray the true faith in favor of higher takes to the training and authorities have launched an operation to seize buildings inside the monastery that serve as living quarters for monks and pilgrims place in court and off the housing and that removed locks inside the religious complex. The ongoing disputes between the ukrainian Orthodox Church and the commission established by the king of ministry of culture were a clue that these actions were eminent. The key of pictures lava has been an ongoing target for cuba. Socrates has some place to occupy and the block entrances to the institution, hindering at Church Services throughout the year. Metropolitan people heads the clergy, a new crane and was arrested last month. He was released on bail of 900000. 00 and is currently in the hospital recovering from heart surgery at the ology professor at the university of eastern san diego says, cab discredits as Political Authority with this crack down on the church to parts and only imagine the people who are faithful to ukraine yourself, chairs, you only can only come to our senior ukraine. They want to defend a deer on spiritual sense for us. So the only thing that they can do in this very moment is to barricade themselves and 1st protest and to start and to, to try to stop ukrainian officials from, from taking dear sanctuaries from their position. So thats the only possible thing bakeney. Now do that, these are, these are pictures which much would be in an imaginable for the 21st century and in europe. And in generally, this is uh, this is something that, uh, in any normal circumstances. The way cute was kind of the, any kind of punches in the international community. This uh, this religious uh, state standard reason which is uh, present to you today to credit it would be come down to me. It would be stop in uh, the oh, longer and get her own santori. You can imagine like, what kind of National Security that is. And what kind of the state is the one that we to jeopardize by the premier of general citizens. 35 people, including children, were killed and over 100 injured and a blast of petrol station in the southern russian city of much color, provided the fire began in a car garage, then, and quickly spread to a nearby petrol station. This footage here shows a building engulfed in flames with clouds of smoke filling the night sky. The wretched Investigative Committee has launched a criminal case. The whole maddox are fighting to save the lives of those are seriously injured in the blast, with the casualties transported to the cities, hospitals, and intensive care units, being wall crowds and gathered up the regions. Blood transfusion center, as hundreds of volunteers came to donate blood to those in need. India is celebrating the 7710 verse 3 of us liberation from British Colonial rule. This year, the same for its Independence Day is nation 1st. Always 1st, indias Prime Minister and a run remote e address the nation, congratulating the citizens and talking about the countrys achievements in the past year. It is some of the lead got to get a 10 minute mark, my words, my determinant members, the actions we take the steps, we take the sacrifice when like the patents we undertake and the ceo will define our legacy. We will take decisions one off to the other and the goal in the history of the country for the next 1000 years is going to emerge from it. To midnight to old. 15th august 1947 independent. India was born. And the 1st 5 minutes of the country to of all her law nasal hoisted the national slide after red fault in delhi. Since then, every yard the flag is on, slid by the incumbent Prime Minister as being done by missing the rings of more than today. In 2014, up to 30 years, the citizens of the nation felt the need to take the country full. But the need for a stable government, strong government, one that has a complete mandate and the citizens has made a strong and stable government does. I end is becoming the voice of the global self interest prosperity and heritage, a toner, into opportunities for the world today. Friends with in this participation, the Global Economy and the Global Supply chain. And it was, it plays the end it has and for itself, i can say with food confidence, that big current scenario needed today has brought a guarantee of stability in the woods. The ronald e so bought snell with all mines when the months of my one hottest 40 cross time of the members were in the minds of the was the res, complete trust. You know, remember all the rules of india for 150 years and the narrative. All some federal did around colonial rule is that the breed scale india, so much Democracy Education the english language, but also for guessing that they stole 2 liens of dollars from india to the way if its resources 76 years off to india all became independent. It has achieved so much imagine its left behind the United Kingdom and become the 5th largest economy in the world of the pay avenues. Yeah. A leader of sorts of the global south of 1000000000. Yeah, i got the independence. The Indian Government has done everything from the determine the people i can definitely say increase decent fos in 10 years. We have make very global footprint. I would say we have become no fit, can all mean the word and i can see the last 10 years or great drug, this one i put into bring into all that thing. What i, what i want, whether it is by reading the cloth, reading the cloth, which any type of clause eat or go any with around the daily or something that is and be safe everywhere. But i should i go now what is india is has very sort of opportunity. But there are limitations to so i want that the unity of my country. So no time for the beauty lies in this diversity. Freedom fighters like mock mug on the ball. Good scene chandra. She crawls off on many of those fault for india as in defendants. And in 1947, the quick India Movement finally culminated into the british leaving the country. No, indeed, all no doubt has achieved so much since, but many believe that india still has a long way to go before it truly fulfills the dreams of its founding fathers. I want to see everybody in enjoy the food so feed them enjoy, especially the basic needs. Then basic rights. If everybody citizens can enjoy the basic needs and basic rights, then only i can consider that independent country in independence reminds me of how a she office on latin american countries has to fight for something as basic as the the. Its reminds me off that he was the best on him, but in this country is doing the food in my so its not of their concern calling them. So lets just start taking those of democracy. The with can no longer decatur on suite to india. Now it is not only on the power, but also a lead economy in the world. It is emerging as a global power are quite evident as our freedom and hope in the office that today for engine sharma, new delhi, audi or india, Independence Day celebrations are also taking part as the countrys embassy in moscow. The event has brought together a large number of guests from the indian dias for a sam baset or to russia placed flower petals at the feats of the statute of Mahatma Gandhi and took part in a flag raising ceremony. He then read out excerpts from the indian president s address to the nation, highlighting its growing role on the global stage. It is a measure of delight, as well as pride for us to see how everyone, children, youth, and elderly in cities and villages everybody in india are excited and preparing to celebrate this festival of freedom, Independence Day is location to reconnect with all history. It is also on occasion to assess oper. Busy and reflect about all way forward looking at the present. We see india that is not really the game to its rightful place on the world stage. But theres also a hosted standing in the International Florida in the us playing a crucial role in promoting development. Developmental and premeditated goals around the work because as you leadership of international photos, especially off the g trinity to african. Now where are news . Theres ruling National Council for the safeguarding of the homeland has recalled its in bassett, or from ivory coast. Thats after the auditorium president expressed of support for a possible equal was military operation in these yard during the block summit of the cnsp and the government of media expressed their total rejection of their remarks made by us on what tara which go beyond the coming position. Of the sub Regional Organization eco was and not the knowledge of legal basis and have decided to recall the ambassador of new jersey to be john, for consultation. Bigelow, stand by force aims to restore a Constitutional Order in this year, and thats according to the i bore and president , he added the tension of ousted president mohammed by zoom would be considered a terrorist act. New Jersey Military leaders later confirmed their readiness to seek a peaceful conflict resolution. Through diplomatic means with equal laws, we spoke to the delegation had, who, thanks, and these are and officials for being open to dialog. So given an eclipse one decision by the findings on the to go to the president , that is a minus gen, sucking t to discuss and t. And we ask the steps, which is really good for the goodness of piece of it or piece assistant one. Going to offer a discussion between them on the desk. So whos the so you said yeah, those are the offer when you go so you should you pretty much disclose it, please find out the last 2 solution. So i see i see the dentist and ill tell you the sort of advice on what is within the i choose the importance of these and how much of the menu button do give, tie them. This issue between the data. Im the Housing Associates who i brothers were all most is. So discussion has started and we hope im, im, im not able to allow you to be dissolved because to, as the turmoil in these air continues, its former colonial ruler, paris 6 to return president by zoom to power 1500 french soldiers remain in the country. But local, say, the foreign presence has not brought the expected results present to the presence of French Military bases on our soil is not a good thing. Those bases have done nothing for our country. In fact, the presence of those base is generates even more violence. We need them to leave our country. Were tired of them on the lawn. So kind of, you know, the results are not good. With all the things that friends in the french army possesses, the results are not there. How many of our soldiers have been killed . They couldnt provide security and safety for our people in new jersey. We have our own military that have very powerful weapons. So the French Forces have to leave to let us route our own country. Libby, the problem is the results are bad if you know any word that describes the situation better than bad use it, right . Because its more than bad. They took too long. I dont know why theyre still here. They should leave new jersey and our independence is now in every african country with us a lot. They are here and terrorism is growing. The only bring more problems is this for a military base and is yet, is she had to finish the problem of terrorism. So 10 years is more than enough, even the 2nd world war, dan take that long. They have simply explained us. They simply couldnt all brothers. Youll agree with me when i say, even though those mitre guys are on the front lines. But one of them has been killed. Meanwhile, the African Union has held talks with representatives from eco, was in the open capital that submitted to the escalating unrest in new share threats of a military invasion by equal laws and military government leaders. Expressing their intention to prosecute president mohammed by zoom for treason and jeopardizing National Security of that threat has been condemned by equal wise and united nations. A local journalist in nigeria brings us a report on the current Economic Situation in neighboring new share, which is experiencing international sanctions. One of the fee is coming out of africa is the economic to him while the continental phase, as a result of this school non 0. Yeah, i need a share board is another part is remain close to not jerry with these a School Leaders includes landlord is and as a friendly to control, we send the analysis of reopening of borders to some a buzz. So people and goods can move against old jerry and media and shot. I went to an eco list as little as 2 eco was members, molly and book, you know, foster to support the cool that a, she bought the keyboard us to been a republic. And you have ever been closed due to the echo a sanctions, the atlantic full. So banana and jerry are vital to new shape or the import, an export of goods and is years have been lamented. You know, about the increase in the prize is a commode. And see what we have seen and the j is that markets are still full of goods, but shop as a foot prizes are going, all citizens are being cautious with spending and you know, on buying from from the leads of a they have left so greens, um generally, food items were millions, could go to ways stressful work as have been pulled out of business, especially those who travel the trade call either between um, uh ben is pulled off quarter new and the chaise Capital Needs to be, you know, one of the busiest crossings in west africa, usually as a country, you know, way before the cool, someone from intense droughts leaving some of a full 1000000 for many in people, dependent on food ages survive. But you know, the supply based the belief in the region. One of the ventures held as a strong formation or for new jersey kind of me and you know, also at significant risk of being affected by sanctions. As a result of the school is the and the shape and the pipeline owned on contract to buy china and National Petroleum cool. This would have helped, you know, on somehow audit, just some simple Revenue Generation for new shape, and also help i forgot the continent. But with the sanctions and also with because uh, with a cool rad that financed into the country looks less attractive, full, full potential investors. Now, we also provide to the quote is also being seen as a major blow to many western nations which, you know, viewed near me. Some of these western nations viewed the, im a, as a partner in the so help region that they could work with. We could say that reserve or group of a non jerry and slamming scholars say they have met with new jobs, cool, the, the romani, shaney. And he has agreed to hold direct talks with actual us, which will be the 1st time this will be happening. While we discuss the issue with professor chris the clause who says, the ousted news area and president s attention could be unconstitutional. Dont come not try it precedents that was democratically elected by his people. Why in your been through a process that was on prostitution of ordinary citizens when one west saw 5. When sun shows up, like sometimes the test is empower that i did, i guess of this song shows ules the people of stuff that gets to evade sign shop deals came out that the ministry john to in new jersey is calling for that look. Uh, we have yet to see what the cost would do on that. Uh, the internet should not come in and you have to condemn the. Does that . Do that is the drum condemnation of the you look for us, its full so about whats in the after the f less time buy for funding goods in the event that they need for any here money to be on the less 1. 00 or the response easily emergencies that might come up. No lied, should be lost, not large, which would be uh, to be bought uh on the side of jet to all right, thats gonna do it for me for now, but do stay with us. My colleague, nicky, aaron, will pick things up for you in about half an hour by the take a fresh look around his life. Kaleidoscopic isnt just a shifted reality distortion by power to division with no real opinions. Fixtures designed to simplify will confuse who really wants a better wills, and is it just because it shows you fractured images, presented to this, but can you see through their illusions, going underground . Can Global Demographic changes refers to shifts and trends, and the composition distribution and characteristics of the population around the world are these changes are influenced by various factors including for to any rates, mortality rates, migration patterns and associated economic factors. However, there is nothing which has more of an impact on a demographic patterns in mankind and the choices of the most powerful and delete sky. Now hughes and this is 360. 00 view. Lets get

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