sides. in white supremacist circles they took it to mean this person supports us and we have a champion in the white house and we can now fight for a white america. reporter: the president and his press secretary have vehemently denied inciting extremist violence. the president has denounced racism, hatred and bigotry in all forms on a number of occasions. reporter: august 2012, a white gunman kills six people at a sikh temple in oak creek, wisconsin. june 2015, charleston, south carolina, white supremacist dylann roof sprays the methodist episcopal church with gun peoplpeoplfire, killing nine people. those lone wolf attacks are what security officials have been worried about in recent years. there s a new phenomenon of the terrorist-inspired attack, the lone woflf, and it keeps me up at night. reporter: analysts say since the charlottesville violence last year when counter-protester
there is perhaps no controversy that has dogged president trump and steve bannon more than their both sides response to the violence and killing of a counter protester heather heyer in charlottesville at a white supremacy unite the right rally just over a year ago. the incident came a week before bannon was leaving the white house. trump s response ignited more pain and revulsion on the issues of racism and civil rights. i asked steve bannon about the issue today. charlottesville. yep. was the president wrong to say there was blame on both sides? no. listen. he s absolutely correct. the whole discussion, what the president was saying, go back and look at those statements he made. if you look at it, what he s saying is that the discussion about the confederate monuments, whether the confederate monuments should be covered, whether they should be removed,
whether the confederate monuments of these generals are part of southern heritage, there are people on both sides. that s a first amendment right to debate that and march on that and protest on that. that s what he was trying to say. let s look at what hang on. if you talk about the neo-nazis and the neo-confederates and the kkk and anti-fa, i think the president has beened ed ed eda saying both those parties are wrong, both parties shouldn t be allowed to come there and start to cause havoc. this is what the president said. let s go to the words. quote, i think there is blame on both sides. you had a group on one side that was bad and you had a group on the other side that was also very violent. nobody wants to say it. but i will say it right now. it was the organizers of the rally that talked about anti-black prejudice, that chanted anti-semitic slogans and there is a second-degree murder charge for heather heyer s death right now.
panel. steve schmidt, amir tannen, jason johnson. we ve been watching many parts of this interview with steve bannon, most recently his defense on charlottesville. i think his statements are reprehensib reprehensible. one person died in charlottesville, heather heyer. the president never really talked about her, never discussed her. steve bannon still trying to equate antefa with the people who came in, announced the whole thing, announced over and over statements like jews will not replace us, racist, virulently anti-semitic advice. still steve bannon, advisor to the president, probably fueled his racist remarks at the time, i believe it is racist to equate these groups. has the ear of the president. i will also make a side note which is, on the mueller