whether the confederate monuments of these generals are part of southern heritage, there are people on both sides. that's a first amendment right to debate that and march on that and protest on that. that's what he was trying to say. >> let's look at what -- >> hang on. if you talk about the neo-nazis and the neo-confederates and the kkk and anti-fa, i think the president has beened ed ed eda saying both those parties are wrong, both parties shouldn't be allowed to come there and start to cause havoc. >> this is what the president said. let's go to the words. quote, i think there is blame on both sides. you had a group on one side that was bad and you had a group on the other side that was also very violent. nobody wants to say it. but i will say it right now. it was the organizers of the rally that talked about anti-black prejudice, that chanted anti-semitic slogans and there is a second-degree murder charge for heather heyer's death right now.