sides. >> in white supremacist circles they took it to mean this person supports us and we have a champion in the white house and we can now fight for a white america. >> reporter: the president and his press secretary have vehemently denied inciting extremist violence. >> the president has denounced racism, hatred and bigotry in all forms on a number of occasions. >> reporter: august 2012, a white gunman kills six people at a sikh temple in oak creek, wisconsin. june 2015, charleston, south carolina, white supremacist dylann roof sprays the methodist episcopal church with gun peoplpeoplfire, killing nine people. those lone wolf attacks are what security officials have been worried about in recent years. >> there's a new phenomenon of the terrorist-inspired attack, the lone woflf, and it keeps me up at night. >> reporter: analysts say since the charlottesville violence last year when counter-protester

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Melania Trump ,Reporter ,White House ,Person ,White Supremacist ,Extremist Violence ,Sides ,Press Secretary ,White America ,Champion ,Al L ,People ,Racism ,Temple ,Wisconsin ,Hatred ,South Carolina ,Occasions ,Number ,Bigotry ,Gunman ,Charleston ,Oak Creek ,August 2012 ,Six ,2015 ,June 2015 ,2012 ,Attacks ,Gun Peoplpeoplfire ,Lone Wolf ,Roof Sprays ,Methodist Episcopal Church ,White Supremacist Dylann ,Killing Nine ,Nine ,Attack ,Analysts ,Phenomenon ,Security Officials ,Charlottesville Violence Last ,Counter Protester Heather Heyer ,Lone Woflf ,

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