City seeks consultant to facilitate Custer monument discussion
The City of Monroe is seeking an outside facilitator to guide further discussions regarding the future of its controversial Gen. George Armstrong Custer monument.
Council on Monday unanimously approved the issuance of a Request for Qualifications (RFQ), which states that the city is seeking a qualified individual or consulting firm “to engage in a community facilitation project related to General George Custer.”
Council hopes that this individual or firm will be able to help the community reach a consensus on the monument.
Sitting at the corner of St. Mary s Park in the heart of Downtown Monroe, the statue has been a hot button topic since last summer when a local group of activists first petitioned to have it removed, relocated, or modified in such a way that better reflects the full story of Custer’s life and legacy. Other community members have vehemently argued against moving or modifying the
There are 14 candidates running for mayor and four open seats on the Springfield City Council.
Two of the open council seats represent the entire city, while one open position represents Zone 1 in Springfield s northwest quadrant and the other represents Zone 4 in the southeast.
Here s an overview of who is running in the order they will appear on the ballot. For more in-depth information about the candidates and their policies, go online to
Ken McClure (Incumbent)
Background: McClure, 70, has been mayor of Springfield since 2017. He grew up in Springfield and lived here much of his life. For 25 years, he left for Jefferson City where he served in several roles, including chief of staff and transition director for Republican Gov. Matt Blunt and chair of the Missouri Public Service Commission. McClure returned to Springfield and worked at Missouri State University as a vice president before retiring in 2015.
I would advocate that with a fully elected school board that county schools and the Board of Education, via a charter amendment, be financially separated from the general county budget.
Thursday, July 16, 2020
The menhaden fishing net reel is permitted to remain on the Lewes Historical Society campus while an ordinance is discussed to regulate placement of historical artifacts within the city’s cultural/historical zone.
Mayor and city council unanimously agreed at its Feb. 11 meeting to refer the issue to the historic preservation architectural review commission. Council determined this was the only option, as it does not have authority to overturn the commission’s previous decision that would force the historical society to remove the reel from its property.
“I may like it there and want it there, but it’s not the prescriptive route,” said Councilman Andrew Williams. “I don’t have the power as a councilperson to make the decision on whether it can stay there. We’re trying to find a path forward where maybe the process can be reset.”