New light is being shed on offshore wind company US Wind’s talks with the mayors comprising the Association of Coastal Towns (ACT) with the release of email correspondence between the
Nick Carter April 8, 2021
Tom Panetta is a standing member of the Lewes Board of Public Works, the Lewes Planning Commission, and the sea level rise subcommittee. Other planning commissioners also serve on the sea level rise subcommittee and have drafted two city code ordinances which will alter building requirements for property owners in the water recharge area. Once drafted, the foreboding, restrictive building ordinance recommendations were then presented back to themselves as planning commissioners for approval. Is this not a conflict of interest?
The Sea Level Rise Ordinance proposes elevating the first floor of new structures above the floodplain by 18 inches, plus an additional sea level rise index, but does not allow equivalent height elevation.
Thursday, July 16, 2020
The menhaden fishing net reel is permitted to remain on the Lewes Historical Society campus while an ordinance is discussed to regulate placement of historical artifacts within the city’s cultural/historical zone.
Mayor and city council unanimously agreed at its Feb. 11 meeting to refer the issue to the historic preservation architectural review commission. Council determined this was the only option, as it does not have authority to overturn the commission’s previous decision that would force the historical society to remove the reel from its property.
“I may like it there and want it there, but it’s not the prescriptive route,” said Councilman Andrew Williams. “I don’t have the power as a councilperson to make the decision on whether it can stay there. We’re trying to find a path forward where maybe the process can be reset.”