“Prices are our major area of focus. Internal supervision over them will be supplemented by monitoring by the State Control Committee and trade unions. We will enhance our focus on this matter in the near future,” the president said.
“Irresponsibility and negligence in retail trade are absolutely unacceptable. I am receiving the corresponding complaints even from the remote areas. Do not tell me it is not true. I used to live where you work today - in the rural area,” the head of state said.
“A good question on equipment leasing was raised here. It should be done. This is my instruction to the members of the government who are attending this meeting. I am doing that not because I want people here to like me. It will not cost a lot. This is small equipment. You will not import this equipment. You must order it here. You will organize the centralized import of only minor parts which we cannot make here quickly. Equipment leasing is a good idea,” the Belarusian leader said.
"We have let our guards down: we have repelled an attempt at a revolution and stop being careful and alert. We should not. They will be targeting us for a very long time until they bring us to our knees. But I'm not going to get down to my knees. If you want to, then get down, but without me," the president said. "Belarus endured enough of oppression in its history.|
According to the head of state, the depth of processing is already quite good. Up to 65% of the purchased raw materials are processed at Belkoopsoyuz enterprises.