Sophomore Sonal Churiwal will remain the Speaker of Student Union (SU) Senate after receiving 53.12% of the vote to keep her seat in a specially held recall election with high voter turnout from students, April 10.
After the fall 2023 Student Union (SU) election, new members were elected to Senate, Treasury, and the Arts & Sciences Council, and two constitutional amendments were passed, Nov. 16. The election had the lowest voter turnout since spring of 2022, and among those elected is an ArtSci Council President with a history of opposing the existence of SU.
Constantin Carrigan, Student Union (SU) Election Commissioner, sat down with Lewis Rand, a Staff Writer at Student Life, to discuss the Fall 2023 SU Election, his role as election commissioner, and the Election Commissions goals for increasing voter turnout among undergraduate students. The Q&A has been edited for length and clarity.
In the first joint session of the semester on Sept. 19, Student Union (SU) Treasury and Senate approved three new members to the Election Commission. The same night, Treasury representatives allocated $26,479.96 in funding to seven student groups.
Twenty-nine point two percent of Washington University students voted for Student Union (SU) this year, a 6% increase from the 23.4% that voted in the Spring of 2022.