The entire world has a vital interest in ensuring that China's rising power is channeled into productive directions and away from the threat of a revolutionary impact on the international system inwhich its presence and influence will steadily increase. The mostbeneficent outcome can best be ensured by an increasinglydemocratic and cooperative China that is prepared to accept broadresponsibilities commensurate with its increasing power.
(Archived document, may contain errors) Education vs. Indoctrination. Does Washington ave a Role in ig ting 66PC99 on Cam use By Thomas L. Jipping 336 Education vs. Indoctrination: Does Washington. Have a Role in Fighting "PC" on Campus?
Prior to September 11th, there were many troubling signs that theregime in Beijing was moving toward policies that are not onlyinimical to stability in the international system but which appearto be aimed at undermining U.S. interests around the world. This isno accident: If Beijing?s ambition is to unilaterally revise thestatus quo in East Asia or elsewhere more to its liking, it mustfirst target the influence of the United States.