(Archived document, may contain errors) Education vs. Indoctrination. Does Washington ave a Role in ig ting 66PC99 on Cam use By Thomas L. Jipping 336 Education vs. Indoctrination: Does Washington. Have a Role in Fighting "PC" on Campus?
Abortion-defending Democrats are full of angry sounds and street-level fury after Roe v Wade was overturned, and now an executive order signed by President Biden is being described as a feel-good measure that signifies nothing.
A group of academics calling themselves Scholars for Reform recently wrote the Senate to advocate for “filibuster reform.” Their case that any change is necessary is quite weak. More shocking, however, is the fact that they fail even to suggest any particular reform or address the challenge of achieving that goal.
These scholars state that “discussions about the filibuster…should be grounded in the historical record.” They’re right about that. Yet their treatment of that record is a mixture of cherry-picking and misdirection.
They note, for example, that the filibuster “is not original to the Constitution.” True enough, but the Constitution also gives the Senate and the House authority to set its own “rules of proceeding.” In 1806, the Senate dropped, but did not replace, its rule allowing a simple majority to bring up a bill for a vote. As a result, for the next 111 years, ending debate so that the Senate could vote on a bill required unanimous consent, or