Are basque about powerhouses used to Winning National championships. Being from indiana i have a faint memory of that day we were once relevant. At uvanote that you won because of a guy from indianapolis. Published, her book is right here, the book is titled embattled freedom journeys through civil war slave refugee camps. It is published by the university of North Carolina prep and part of the civil war america series. You had a pretty good year i would say. Dont you think so . Its going to take a while for me to tell you all the awards this important book has received. Its received the 2019 Tom Watson Brown prize for the society of civil war historians. From the organization of american historians. The book prize as well, you have cleaned up. Congratulations and it is absolutely welldeserved. As you well will discover. This is a very important book. I should add amy is not only a terrific scholar, also an excellent teacher as i recall. She received a Teaching Award from the universit
Folks have been conversations, if you can take them into the hall, please. This has been a fabulous day. I want to thank barbara who walked in. I agree we have saved the best for last. No question. Whenever i do a Service Event i say we have to hear from young people who are serving or have served because they understand what its about because its at the ground level. Im so excited about this panel. I want to thank my friend bill for his overthetop comments. I had the privilege of starting the program, but it wasnt me. I did it with my best friend and college roommate, Michael Brown and others. It was a small group of thoughtful dedicated people. What made it work, it wasnt me or michael, it was people when they experienced this, loved this idea. I am honored to be here. Its like a Family Reunion for me with Service Legends and giants, my brother john bridgeland who i worked closely with for 20 years, thanks to bridge and george w. Bush they got the largest increase in ameri corp. Ever
Ms. Power is the recipient of the American Academy of political and social science 2019 Daniel Patrick monaghan prize. This is 90 minutes. Im the executive director of the American Academy of political and social science. Its my pleasure to welcome all of your to our seventh annual Daniel Patrick monaghan lecture. Briefly, were really pleased to see such a full house as always. Were happy to be joined by folk who s who worked with senator monaghan. Mora is pat monaghans daughter and a tremendous supporter of our organization and this initiative from the beginning. Id also like to thank sage publications. Sage in the publishing world is probably the preeminent Publishing House concerned with the social sciences. They also publish the annals of the American Academy. Theyre also the principal cosponsor of this lecture, having given us generous funding to support this enterprise so thank you to them. Also a quick thank you to the willard staff and to my staff at the American Academy. Theyv
Theyll send the tape back to dc and run it unedited unfiltered which is the way i prefer it to have happen. I want to thank the center and the chamber of commerce mo whoever is responsible for letting us have access to the facility again. Its terrific. Ill talk about things in d. C. And then get going. The only thing congress has to do year in and year out is fund the government. We do that through the appropriations process. We are todays october 7th. Food is the seventh day of the new fiscal year. We should have gotten all that appropriations work done at least before the end of september. And we didnt. Which is not unusual. Congress typically doesnt get that work done. The fiscal 19, the year we finished off. We did get 70 of the spending plan before the end of september meaning probably the department of defense which is the largest block of spending on the discretionary side had a full year to execute that 700 billion plus budget theyve got. So this year because we had well, mecha
Assistant secretary of state for middle Eastern Affairs discusses u. S. Middle east strategy and he talks about u. S. Relations in the region. Secretary of state, mike pompeos recent trip to italy and chinas expansion in the middle east. From earlier this week at the Atlantic Council in washington, its an hour and 50 minutes. Okay, everyone. Were ready to commence. Okay. We are joined with us here today to kick off the programming, a discussion of the u. S. Role in the middle east given all of the very exciting news that seems to happen every single day. We are here. David shanker, a good, old friend of mine will share with us his great and unmatched wisdom about the u. S. Policy in the region. Let me give you a little background on david. He was sworn in as the assistant secretary of state for near Eastern Affairs. June 14th of this year. Prior to joining the department of state, he was director of the program on arab politics at the Washington Institute for near east policy from 2000