Local streets are looking a little neater, overhanging trees trimmed, storm drains cleared of leaves and debris, and public works budgets are more flush than usual at the start of spring.
This year’s .
Norwich ― The city’s grand list of taxable property rose by $43 million last year, a 2% increase over the previous year, Assessor William Lee said.
Lee filed the grand list Tuesday with total net val.
Norwich ― The retirement of the longtime administrator of the public parking system in late December brought major changes to the program this month, shifting finances and enforcement to the city’s Fi.
Norwich ― If all goes according to the plans on paper, a new Greeneville school and a new John B. Stanton School will be constructed first in the $385 million school construction project approved by .
Norwich ― If the proposed reconstruction of Route 82 goes forward, the question of who would pay the millions of dollars needed to relocate and upgrade utility lines depends on several factors, state.