Norwich ― City, school and capital improvements budgets each would rise by more than 4% under City Manager John Salomone’s proposed combined $151.3 million 2024-25 budget presented to the City Council.
Norwich ― A pending sale of the Marina at American Wharf could be completed within a month if the city agrees to transfer the remaining years of a 99-year lease of the property it sits on to the prosp.
With cannabis retail sales beginning recently in Groton, Montville and Norwich, local towns and cities are looking ahead ― even if they’re not yet sure how much they will receive ― to how they will sp.
Norwich ― The two candidates running to fill the vacant City Council seat may need as much effort to remind people to vote in Wednesday’s special election as they do to get their messages out.
Norwich ― With only minor changes made thus far to the city manager’s proposed budget, few residents spoke at Monday’s second budget public hearing, with regular commenters asking aldermen to make cut.