Norwich City Manager John Salomone has proposed a combined city and school budget totaling $138.6 million with a 4.39% spending increase that would require a 1.5% citywide tax increase.
Salomone’s proposed 2021-22 budget, presented to the City Council Monday, includes an $86.3 million school budget which calls for a $2.1 million or 2.5% increase.
That is less than the 3.95% increase requested by school officials but more than the city manager’s usual 2% increase for the schools.
The general government budget also contains funding for a fire services director recommended in a recently released fire services study. The general government budget of $48.7 million calls for a $2.7 million or 5.95% increase.
As a business reporter, I write about small businesses opening and closing, manufacturing, food and drink, labor issues and economic data. I particularly love writing about the impact of state and federal policy on local businesses. I also do some education reporting, covering colleges in southeastern Connecticut and regional K-12 issues.
Erica Moser
As a business reporter, I write about small businesses opening and closing, manufacturing, food and drink, labor issues and economic data. I particularly love writing about the impact of state and federal policy on local businesses. I also do some education reporting, covering colleges in southeastern Connecticut and regional K-12 issues.
Norwich As Congress finalizes negotiations on a new COVID-19 relief package, Norwich is expected to receive a grant of nearly $550,000 from the CARES Act passed last spring to help reimburse the city for pandemic response costs not covered through other grant programs.
The City Council at its 7:30 p.m. meeting Monday will consider a resolution allowing the expected grant of $545,972 to be used to cover eligible costs incurred by various city departments, with any amount left over to be divided between Norwich Public Utilities and the Uncas Health District. The meeting will be livestreamed on the city website,, and aired on Comcast Norwich Channel 97.