Wish to seek recognition. Per House Resolution 955 resolutions and members are required to leave the camera on the entire time they are in an official proceeding. Even if they step away from the camera. Our roll call is not necessary to establish a quorum and official proceedings conducted remotely whenever there is an official receding with remote participation the clerk will call the roll to help make clear who is present at the start of the preceding. This time i asked the clerk to call the roll. [roll call] [roll call] [roll call] [roll call] [roll call] [roll call] [roll call] thank you very much. Pursuant to Committee Rule 7d Opening Statements are witnessed the chain the Ranking Member for this allows us to hear from our witnesses sooner and provide all members the adequate time to ask questions. Recognize myself a purpose of making an opening statement. Today we are examining how the covid19 pandemic is draining our Higher Education system and discussing what Congress Must do t
Accompanying regulations, members are required to leave the camera on the entire time they are in an official proceeding. Even if a step away from the camera. While roll call is unnecessary to establish a quorum and official proceedings conducted remotely, whenever there is an official proceeding with remote participation, the clerk will call the roll to make clear who is present at the start of the preceding. At this time i ask the clerk to call the roll. [roll call] [roll call] [roll call] [roll call] [roll call] [roll call] chairwoman, this concludes the roll call. Thank you very much. Pursuant to Committee Role 7c, Opening Statements are limited to the chair and the Ranking Member. This allows us to hear from our witnesses sooner and provides all members with adequate time to ask questions. I recognize myself do for the purpose of making and opening statement. Today, as we know were examining how the covid19 pandemic is straining our Higher Education system and discussing what Cong
Cspan kiron skinner, coeditor of reagan in his own hand, what do people get if they buy this book . Guest they see unvarnished Ronald Reagan, long before the presidency, writing, reading, thinking about every major issue facing the united states, and also drafting a strategy, quite surprisingly for many, to end the cold war peacefully without a major hegemonic war. Cspan can you remember the first time you ever heard of all this . Guest what do you mean, the Radio Broadcasts, his writing . Cspan the Radio Broadcasts, where youyou got yourself involved in it. Guest i was working in the Reagan Library. Id written nancy reagan, i believe it was in 1996; i wrote her aa letter about my research on the end of the cold war, and i said, im deeply fascinated by the american side of the story. Most of the research in the 1990s that i saw in the scholarly literature focused on the soviet side and on Eastern Europe and, you know, for good reasons. The revolutions were fascinating to people, and al
Guest i was a postdoc at ucla and i was a fellow at the Hoover Institution. And so i wrote her and said, im interested in the american side of the story. I dont think theres enough reporting on it, and id like to look at the president s private papers. i didnt know what would be there, but i thought there might be something to help me to unravel the american contribution. And so she granted me access to the papers and hundreds of archival boxes. Into the project i came upupon a few boxes, actually storage boxes, filled with hundreds, reallyliterally thousands of pieces of paper of reagans handwriting. And it took a while to figure out what it meant. Some of it was disorganized. Some of it was organized in file folders, but not all of it. And it was fascinating. It was. Cspan whwhere are you from originally . Wheres home . Guest i was born in chicago, but i grew up in the bay area, so i have to claim the bay area i moved there at age three, so i grew up near stanford. First San Francisc
Colleagues, can we have a motion to excuse supervisor mar . Motion by campos seconded by supervisor kim. Without objection he shall be excused. [gavel] roll call. Item 45, supervisor wiener . Wiener aye. Supervisor yee . Yee aye. Supervisor avalos . Avalos aye. Supervisor breed . Breed aye. Supervisor campos . Campos aye. Supervisor chiu . Chiu aye. Supervisor cohen . Cohen aye. Supervisor farrell . Farrell aye. Supervisor kim . Kim aye. Supervisor tang . Tang aye. There are 10 ayes. The motion is approved. [gavel]. Item 46. Item 46 is a motion appointing supervisor jane kim to bay area executive board ending june 20th, 2015. Colleagues, can we have a motion excusing supervisor kim . [speaker not understood]. Without objection she shall be excused. Roll call. [gavel] item 46, supervisor wiener . Wiener aye. Supervisor yee . Yee aye. Supervisor avalos . Avalos aye. Supervisor breed . Brie aye. Supervisor campos . Campos aye. Supervisor chiu . Chiu aye. Supervisor cohen . Cohen aye. Supe