you to do is give me one example of spin. the black lives matter movement in the 60 s when we said black is beautiful. it didn t mean that white wasn t beautiful. it meant to address a set of circumstances that that community saw. if you look at any statistic when it comes to the black community, whether it s employment, whether it s african-american education. whether it s incarceration rate, there is a problem. so to assert yourself as black lives matter isn t a response of that. if we took this to be another country looked at those statistics in that society we would be pushing for that society and the people. no one disputes that african-americans in general have a harder road america. some people do hobby who is taken seriously. okay? no one disputes that it s how you get there your definition of radical is different from mine and that might be the problem. black party radical? is the in your opinion is
just well, all i want you to do is give me one example of spin. the black lives matter movement in the 60 s when we said black is beautiful. it didn t mean that white wasn t beautiful. it meant to address a set of circumstances that that community saw. if you look at any statistic when it comes to the black community, whether it s employment, whether it s african-american education. whether it s incarceration rate, there is a problem. so to assert yourself as black lives matter isn t a response of that. if we took this to be another country looked at those statistics in that society we would be pushing for that society and the people. no one disputes that african-americans in general have a harder road america. some people do hobby who is taken seriously. okay? no one disputes that it s how you get there your definition of radical is different from mine and that might be the problem. black party radical?
just well, all i want you to do is give me one example of spin. the black lives matter movement in the 60 s when we said black is beautiful. it didn t mean that white wasn t beautiful. it meant to address a set of circumstances that that community saw. if you look at any statistic when it comes to the black community, whether it s employment, whether it s african-american education. whether it s incarceration rate, there is a problem. so to assert yourself as black lives matter isn t a response of that. if we took this to be another country looked at those statistics in that society we would be pushing for that society and the people. no one disputes that african-americans in general have a harder road america. some people do hobby who is taken seriously. okay? no one disputes that it s how you get there your definition of radical is different from mine and that might be the problem. black party radical?
the e-mail question was dated back on april 10, 2011, an e-mail was forwarded about the then-u.s. ambassador chris stevens in libya about dangers he was confronting whether they should move out and subsequently some u.s. intelligence officials thought that e-mail should have been classified. right. and this is an e-mail on a separate matter, we should be clear. this is one of the couple of e-mails that the intelligence community saw when the state department was trying to release it in may earlier this year and said, wait a minute, there s some classified information here. and so they asked to take a deeper look. and so we now know this is one of the e-mails, this 2011 e-mail forwarded to the secretary of state to her private e-mail server, one of the ones that raised a lot of concerns in the intelligence committee and now has gotten us to this controversy. the campaign has said, look, this is an example how the intelligence community is really
they think they have a mandate from god to own this land. and they re willing to do whatever it takes. these fringe elements are re religious extremists. it doesn t matter who it is. they think it s okay. the woman you spoke to and one of the things that was sort of bracing about this was she was remarkably honest about his motives. she was like it s zero sum. there s only so much land. we want it all. we will do what it takes to get it. i asked her, if this violates human rights she was like i only believe in the human rights of god. that s her rationalization. she doesn t care about the laws of israel or the international community. all she cares about is the fact that this land has been given to her by god. and when she came back from jail she was greeted essentially as a hero. her community saw what she did as brave and noble. she chose to go to jail.