the e-mail question was dated back on april 10, 2011, an e-mail was forwarded about the then-u.s. ambassador chris stevens in libya about dangers he was confronting whether they should move out and subsequently some u.s. intelligence officials thought that e-mail should have been classified. >> right. and this is an e-mail on a separate matter, we should be clear. this is one of the couple of e-mails that the intelligence community saw when the state department was trying to release it in may earlier this year and said, wait a minute, there's some classified information here. and so they asked to take a deeper look. and so we now know this is one of the e-mails, this 2011 e-mail forwarded to the secretary of state to her private e-mail server, one of the ones that raised a lot of concerns in the intelligence committee and now has gotten us to this controversy. the campaign has said, look, this is an example how the intelligence community is really