YEEss, yEs. All Right. Ill takE it for now. It, happy mOnday, EvEryOnE. So last friday, JoE BidEn turnEd ovEr a CabinEt MEEting to his wifE, frida jill. If thats not bad Enough, hE thEn put huntEr in chargE of thE MEdicin NE and. All Right. VicE prEsidEnt will skip this yEars Al Smith Charity dinnEr. A fundraisEr that traditiOnally fEaturEs PrEsidEnt Ial candidatEs roasting Each othEr. YEp. ShE pullEd out at thE last minutE. Ifs PrEsidEnt Ial Only husband ha thE samE with thE nanny. D ha tErriblE. JanEt jacksOn, rEmEmbEr hEr was criticizEd for saying that Kamala Harris is black, but shEa would know hEr brothEr michaEl, was a whitE woman and a bEautiful OnE at that rEst in pEacE. Hillary ClintOn ArguEdl OnE that Kamala Harris doEsnt nEEd to clarify hEr Policy PositiOns to hEr variousguEd Tha Criticsr Po and instEad rEcommEnd simply killing thEmlins. ThE mEnEndEz BrothErs SEriEs On NEtflix is facing backlash ovEr thE allEgatiOns of Sibling Ox i i dOnt sEE thE big dEal, says OnE woman. I
Greg: yes! yes. Yes. All right, i will take it, for now. Happy monday, everyone. Last friday joe biden turned over a cabinet meeting to his wife. If that is not bad enough he then put hunter in charge of the medicine cabinet. Man boobs. Vice president harris will skip this fundraising dinner, a feature which traditionally shows presidential candidates roasting each other. She pulled out at the last minute. If only her husband had done the same thing with the nanny. Terrible. This person was criticized for saying that kamala harris is not black. She would know, her brother michael was a white one. And a beautiful one at that, rest in peace. Hillary clinton argued that kamala harris does not need to clarify her policy positions to her various critics and instead recommends simply killing them. The menendez brothers series on netflix is facing backlash over the allegations of sibling incest. I don t see the big deal, says one woman. I don t know why, i don t understand the backstory on th
[ ] greg: you will be a mind tonight. Happy monday, everyone. Democrat support are identified as ryan routh was arrested for trying to assassinate donald trump on a golf course. Whatever happened to asking if you can play through? it seems the wouldbe assassin was able to get just a few hundred yards away from trump. Apparently the shooter found the only golf course with a slanted sand trap. Too soon. As you know this is the second time trump has survived multiple shots, according to an expert he will just need four more. Immediately pundits tried to blame it on trump s rhetoric regarding springfield, ohio. But the accused shooter was not haitian, we know this because he was not eating cats. Now you were loosening up. You needed a cats joke to get started. Of course the media claims the motives of the trump painting suspect are unknown. But this is strange, they have already asked him to moderate the next debate. Thankfully thankfully, the wouldbe assassin it is now in custody and the
I was, gosh, with a colostomy bag, swimming, enjoying life . I said, yes, i can. Ive learnt to be confident, not to have any shame. I i can do anything. Cheering gill castle was so severely injured in childbirth in october 2011 that she had to have a Colostomy Operation. Shed suffered a fistula a hole between her rectum and hervagina and a fourth degree tear which couldnt be repaired. So she had to have her bowel diverted out onto her abdomen, creating a permanent stoma. Knowing how hard it was to come to terms with this massive life change, she wanted to let others see it couldnt stop herfrom doing anything. When i first had my stoma surgery, i was told, no, you cant do that to a lot of things. But my attitude is, well, why not . Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Shivers i dont want to dwell all the time on what happened in the past. I also want to show people whats possible moving forward. Screams morning, everybody here we are at ben nevis. And thats really important, to give people
i was, gosh, with a colostomy bag, swimming, enjoying life? i said, yes, i can. i ve learnt to be confident, not to have any shame. i i can do anything. cheering gill castle was so severely injured in childbirth in october 2011 that she had to have a colostomy operation. she d suffered a fistula a hole between her rectum and hervagina and a fourth degree tear which couldn t be repaired. so she had to have her bowel diverted out onto her abdomen, creating a permanent stoma. knowing how hard it was to come to terms with this massive life change, she wanted to let others see it couldn t stop herfrom doing anything. when i first had my stoma surgery, i was told, no, you can t do that to a lot of things. but my attitude is, well, why not? nothing ventured, nothing gained. shivers i don t want to dwell all the time on what happened in the past. i also want to show people what s possible moving forward. screams morning, everybody! here we are at ben nevis. and that s rea