city hall. jamming with none other than rocker john fogerty. announcer: this is nbc nightly news with lester holt good evening from los angeles, where picket lines went up today in front of major film studios the people who write the plots that enthrall and entertain millions of american tv and film watchers sidelined tonight by a writers strike 11,000 writers off the job after talks with producers reached an impasse overnight. at the root of the dispute, some of the very things that have transformed how all of us watch our favorite shows. think streaming and the impact of emergiging technonology thinink virtual l reality. tonighght the writiters and d productionon cocompanies, i including our parentnt company nbcuniveversal appeaear to be farar apart, virtually y guaranteeieing rereruns will l be coming g to screens as productions grind to a halt for some shows, the impact will be felt immediately. miguel almaguer has the latest what do we want a fair contract re
cultivating and supporting time together face-to-face, because our health depends on it. stephanie gosk, nbc news still ahead, a terrifying midair health scare is your flight equipped for a medical emergency? what you need to know. e co e co mpany goes to the firstborn, audrey. the model train set is entrusted to todd. mr. marbles will receive recurring deliveries for all of his needs in perpetuity, thanks to autoship from chewy. - i always loved that old man. - what s it say about the summer house? - yeah, the beach house- - the summer residence goes to mr. marbles. (mr. marbles chuckles) - plot twist! - i m sorry, what? - doesn t make logistical sense. - unbelievable. - pets aren t just pets. they re more. - you got a train set, todd. - [announcer] save more on what they love and never run out with autoship from chewy. i broughght in enensure max p protein, with 3 30 grams ofof protein. those e who tried d me felt more energrgy in just t two wee. uh. herere i ll takeke that. ensure
good evening from los angeles, where picket lines went up today in front of major film studios the people who write the plots that enthrall and entertain millions of american tv and film watchers sidelined tonight by a writers strike 11,000 writers off the job after talks with producers reached an impasse overnight. at the root of the dispute, some of the very things that have transformed how all of us watch our favorite shows. think streaming and the impact of emergiging technonology thinink virtual l reality. tonighght the writiters and d productionon cocompanies, i including our parentnt company nbcuniveversal appeaear to be farar apart, virtually y guaranteeieing rereruns will l be coming g to screens as productions grind to a halt for some shows, the impact will be felt immediately. miguel almaguer has the latest what do we want a fair contract reporter: off the job and on to the picket line from coast-to-coast tonight more than