Home-purchase applications tumbled last week to the lowest level in nearly three decades as high interest rates and limited availability weighed on demand.
With U.S. home sales volume at "rock bottom," little construction and rising mortgage rates, Redfin CEO Glenn Kelman warns the real estate industry will have "a tough 2023."
we re honored to have you take us off the air tonight and on that note, i wish you all a very good and safe night from all of our colleagues across the networks of nbc news, thanks for staying up late i will see you at the end of tomorrow this was the line to ge into the delaware courthouse with fox news was set to go on trial this morning the company was accused of defamation by the dominion voting systems corporation even the sheer number of lawyers showing up for thi trial today was impressive both the top side in the dominion, side looks like they had enough lawyers to form a soccer team in suits behind the courtroom a s mysterious walkway thing presumably for allowing jurors and high-profile witnesses t enter and exit the courtroom without being spotted, because there were going to be a lot o high-profile witnesses, an inside the court the lawyers
available throughout the appea process because of emergency request by the doj and mifepristone s manufacturer. but it s still unclear wha else can be done while we wait for this process to play out through the courts final decision on this could possibl reach as high as the supreme court. that s not expected to happe anytime soon, lindsey. ali, thank you. coming up later this hour, former texas state senator and current senior writer fo planned parenthood texas joins me to talk about how stoppin access to abortion pills would impact women in states lik hers where abortion is already essentially banned breaking news from the middl east, during a rare convergenc of easter possum run ramadhane the city of jerusalem is o high alert right now, as worshippers gather near th al-aqsa mosque, one of the holiest sites to islamic judaism. police raids at the mosque hav plunged it into violence, with palestinian militants firing daily rocket attacks for tel you shouldn t. israeli forces respond
have heard everything about it we did enron in houston. yeah. and you know what jurors are really good first, there s a huge proces to weed out people who hav made up their mind, we re no going to be fair and his questionnaires and judge is a very good about weeding that out i actually have no problem thinking that people are going to actually look at the fact and look at the law. to the point that you wer making before about having representative defendants, who you felt were on the wrong sid of, essentially, the trump justice department - and we should know that there very good reporting, and first person account by the former u.s. attorney of the souther district that barr interfered, to attempt to quash any furthe pursuit of this set of facts legally under the department o justice, right that s on the record this moment of the arraignment right, because, there s just something so profound happenin here as well because it s like, if you grow up - you talk about a nation tha