we re honored to have you take us off the air tonight and on that note, i wish you all a very good and safe night from all of our colleagues across the networks of nbc news, thanks for staying up late i will see you at the end of tomorrow this was the line to ge into the delaware courthouse with fox news was set to go on trial this morning the company was accused of defamation by the dominion voting systems corporation even the sheer number of lawyers showing up for thi trial today was impressive both the top side in the dominion, side looks like they had enough lawyers to form a soccer team in suits behind the courtroom a s mysterious walkway thing presumably for allowing jurors and high-profile witnesses t enter and exit the courtroom without being spotted, because there were going to be a lot o high-profile witnesses, an inside the court the lawyers and spectators were reportedly packed in like sardines. demean s legal team submitte more than 7000 exhibits, including vid
we re honored to have you take us off the air tonight and on that note, i wish you all a very good and safe night from all of our colleagues across the networks of nbc news, thanks for staying up late i will see you at the end of tomorrow this was the line to ge into the delaware courthouse with fox news was set to go on trial this morning the company was accused of defamation by the dominion voting systems corporation even the sheer number of lawyers showing up for thi trial today was impressive both the top side in the dominion, side looks like they had enough lawyers to form a soccer team in suits behind the courtroom a s mysterious walkway thing presumably for allowing jurors and high-profile witnesses t enter and exit the courtroom without being spotted, because there were going to be a lot o high-profile witnesses, an inside the court the lawyers