talks to the engine by electronic sensor, not by a connection. that s why it was important. the company paid $49 million in civil penalties for failure to notify drivers quickly enough that gallons pedals could stick or become stuck under the wrong sized floor mats. officials who took a lot of heat also seemed relieved. we found when the complaint alleged that the brake didn t work or that the incident began when the driver stepped on the brake what most likely happened was pedal misapplication. well, pedal misapplication in case you re wondering translated, that means driver error. critics and class action lawyers i spoke with yesterday says this study flies in the face of evidence and is an injustice to the american people. it s simply a rewrite of history. if we look back at the testimony both from toyota and nhtsa just months ago they indicated sticky pedal was never a cause of
attorneys general are investigating the foreclosures here, i mean, you think dowel 50 attorneys general have nothing better to do. gregg: i think there are a bunch of lawyers behind why do they always think the lawyers are the villains behind this. they are. gregg: thank you. lawyer-to-lawyer-to-lawyer. gregg: trumping up the technical flaw. you are right. buy a house, get a mortgage and you have to pay the money back and if somebody screws up the paperwork, you still have to pay the money back and the lawyers are coming up with a may to stall, class-action lawsuits. let s go back now to i don t have a hard book in front of me. gregg: i ll loan you mine. contracts, somewhere here it says class action lawyers only get paid on contingency and they will not take a case unless they think they can win, in other words if they bring the class action. gregg: they put nothing into it and settle and make a lot of money. at least they get attorneys
companies that do affect individual people, ordinary americans. so, yeah, clearly the losses from this were born by real americans. right. we know the government is pushing this civil lawsuit with the s.e.c. might this go to the justice department which would allow for criminal charges and might we have other legal claims to follow not only at goldman sachs but other investment banks? it s too early to tell whether there may be criminal charges out of this. there are e-mails pretty damning from the people involved at goldman but it may be premature to expect anything on the criminal side. that said, what you re discussing is absolutely right. this really is something that throws into question wall street practices. i think we ll see a ton of lawsuits against goldman on this case and a close looks by class action lawyers and activity going on at all the big wall street firms and whether this was more common place than you might think. john paulson, the man in charge of this hedge
they blamed floor mats and sticky gas pedals. yet a growing number of automotive experts and class action lawyers like richard mckeown say that explanation just doesn t fit. what i hear over and over and over again, i m driving down the road and my car just takes off on me. i apply the brakes. sometimes it works. sometimes it doesn t. that s the pattern that we have seen. so, i think unequivocally that these recalls simply do not get to the core of the problems that toyota has. reporter: safety analyst john cain has looked at more than 2,000 accelerator exdents involving toyota and believes the root of the problem lies in the electronic throttle system that controls the speed of the car. these are completely computer-guided systems and we all know that electronics fail. they do fail and they will fail. the problem is toyota is they haven t built enough fail-safe devices into their cars to ensure that drivers get control of the vehicle when a failure happens. reporter: during
including the model driven by guadalupe alberto. they blamed floor mats and sticky gas pedals. yet a growing number of automotive experts and class action lawyers like richard mccuin say that explanation just doesn t fit. what i hear over and over and over again, i m driving down the road, and my car just takes off on me. i apply the brakes. sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn t. that s the pattern that we have seen. so i think unequivocally that these recalls simply do not get to the core of the problems that toyota has. reporter: safety analyst sean kane has looked at more than 2,000 accelerator incidents involving toyota and believes the problem lies in the electronic throttle system which controls the speed of the car. these are completely computer-guided systems, and we all know that electronics fail. they do fail, and they will fail. the problem with toyota is they haven t built enough fail-safe devices into their cars to ensure that drivers get control