He seems to be unmuted. There were problems. Commissioner scott are you unmuted thank you everyone for being patient. Well cap up with our technology. Can you hear me now . Yes. I heard everyone in test mode. Steven, can you hear me . Yes. Thank you very much. As the board is aware we annually engage in a selfevaluation for the board of directors and also an annual evaluation of the executive director. The Governance Committee met a week ago to review both documents as well as a time line for both processes. As you know, we initiate the selfevaluation first and then follow that four weeks later or so with the executive directors evaluation once we received the executive directors selfevaluation. In reviewing both documents, we did not make any changes in the executive director document. We did modify in the board selfevaluation document a couple of questions. We eliminated one question and we modified the wording on another. So those changes are contained in the attachments sent out in
He seems to be unmuted. There were problems. Commissioner scott are you unmuted thank you everyone for being patient. Well cap up with our technology. Can you hear me now . Yes. I heard everyone in test mode. Steven, can you hear me . Yes. Thank you very much. As the board is aware we annually engage in a selfevaluation for the board of directors and also an annual evaluation of the executive director. The Governance Committee met a week ago to review both documents as well as a time line for both processes. As you know, we initiate the selfevaluation first and then follow that four weeks later or so with the executive directors evaluation once we received the executive directors selfevaluation. In reviewing both documents, we did not make any changes in the executive director document. We did modify in the board selfevaluation document a couple of questions. We eliminated one question and we modified the wording on another. So those changes are contained in the attachments sent out in
Is another data point that would be interesting against the other data points against more geographically based studies. You have to see how study is agreeing. Policymakers easing social distancing, others have used Antibody Test studies arguing that if the infection rate is higher than mortality rate is lower. Others have called into question the accuracy of fingerprint test using studies that have not been approved by the fda. He the test are good in concept, but difficult in execution and interpreting the studies depends on which community you are looking at the results in. A false positive rate is Something Like one percent, and you test 50 percent of people in your population are positive for maybe one percent of those 15 percent might be false positives but you have a good idea of whats going on so it really depends on the actual numbers. The doctor leading this mlb study tells me that all the data from the 10,000 employees has been analyzed right now as we speak they are working
History as a frontier town, and outfitter for travelers setting out on the santa fe trail. It was november 12, 1927 when the pioneer mother sculpture was dedicated in Penn Valley Park. It not only celebrates kansas citys pioneer history, but also as a tribute to those who suffered great hardship and loss while traveling across the plains and search of a better life. In her new book, pioneer mother monuments constructing cultural identity, historian Cynthia Prescott walks through more than a century of recognition and rediscovering a Pioneer Monuments erected across the nation, including those in the kansas city region. We are honored to have her here today to discuss her research. Dr. Prescott is an associate professor of history at the university of north dakota. Her research focuses on gender and the american west. Specifically intersections of gender, social class, and historical memory. Her work in these areas has been published in the journals in the journal of the west, historica
Professor talks about her book, constructing cultural memory. She highlights some of the tutes of pioneer mom pioneer mothers in the kansas city area. Welcome everyone, thank you for being here. I manager of the Missouri Valley special collection. Our Research Room was headquartered across the hall. Otherll find journals and Research Materials document and kansas citys early histories the frontier town, and out better for traveler setting out on the santa fe trail. It was november 12, 1927 when the sculpture was dedicated. It not only celebrates kansas citys pioneer history, but is also a tribute to those who suffer great hardship and loss while traveling across the plains in search of a better life. In her new book, constructing historiandentity, the and rediscovering Pioneer Monuments erected across the nation, including those in the kansas city region. We are honored to have her here today to discuss her research. Dr. Prescott is an associate professor of history at the university o