that, of course srks what his campaign chairman paul manafort is charged with. so i think trump is very good with the certain segment of the population and inclined to believe him of muddying the waters by accusing democrats of the things that he is more seriously accused of. he is very good at getting a minority of people who are devoted to him to continue to be devoted to him. he hasn t changed a single mind in his favor since election night. ej and daniel, thank you very much for joining us tonight. appreciate it. thank you. thank you. coming up, thomas freedman explains why he calls trump a chump. and, pussy riot will join us to talk about the similarities of vladimir putin and donald trump. , have you any wool? no sir, no sir, some nincompoop stole all my wool sweaters, smart tv and gaming system. luckily, the geico insurance agency
comes in office and i think day one tears up the agreement and throws it out the window. how would you like to be negotiating with xi xinping the president of china? trump could have said, mr. xi, i m the head of a 12-nation trading bloc that you re not in that controls 40% of gdp that s based on our interest and our values. that s called leverage. instead, he tears that up and he s basically been going to xi begging for crumbs that chinese sell us carpets, multiple times on trade. because he doesn t have the leverage. that s why trump is a chump. okay? he presents himself as mr. smart and mr. tough. he s actually a chump. trump is a chump because he doesn t know anything. i want to go to something in the column this week. we have seen the tragic deaths of four soldiers in combat in niger and but you have highlighted something that no one else is talking about in that incident and you say that
such corporations and past through entities and he would be taxed at 25%, a rate that he has offered up as being benefit to small businesses, but. it s probably one of the greatest giveaways of this plan for the wealthy. when think about this, they include massive hedge funds, law firms and to andrew s point president trump s businesses. so 90% of the pass throughs that exist in this country are held by the top 1% of the population. so spare me this argument that we re making it look like it s these little mom and pop shops. it seems like trump, the president looks like a chump here because he s offering up these delicacies to his rich friends. everybody knows he s called for a reduction in the corporate rate.
had to say? he made it clear at his company he was going to spend any amount of money to protect the integrity of what they did. take a look. they have a responsibility and if they say, well, there s no ways to do it other than we ll have a human being read every message, i m sorry, you re going to have to do that. and that s actually what he does. let s also note our responsibility in media. we played the chumps to the alt right and russia. every time we debunked the pizza gate story. every time we put out the leaked e-mails instead of the real story, we played the chump. so we have a responsibility as well. but jeff, when people say why are you showing press conferences or covering the president s tweets. whether or not you think he is a buffoon or not, he s the president of the united states and that s what we do. we cover him. but go back to the campaign. go back to after the fact the grabbing tape, what came out immediately? leaked e-mails. squirrel! we turned our attent
into his house because he s not going along with it, and this is bad for manafort? right. well, look, no law enforcement officer on earth ever believes someone involved in an investigation who says i m fully cooperating. they can t. i mean, you would be a chump as a law enforcement official, wouldn t you? oh, gosh, he told me he gave me everything and he didn t. but one thing, chris, that a lot of your viewers don t know, the federal government can go look at your bank records, my bank records, they can go look at jeffrey s bank records now for no reason at all thanks to rulings from the supreme court in the 70s. they can do the same with your phone records. and manafort has a long and rather ugly trail with russian money from his work in ukraine. so he s a natural starting point for this. he failed to disclose foreign bank accounts that he had for a year, as we know. he recently disclosed those, way beyond the legal limit.