had to say? he made it clear at his company he was going to spend any amount of money to protect the integrity of what they did. take a look. they have a responsibility and if they say, well, there s no ways to do it other than we ll have a human being read every message, i m sorry, you re going to have to do that. and that s actually what he does. let s also note our responsibility in media. we played the chumps to the alt right and russia. every time we debunked the pizza gate story. every time we put out the leaked e-mails instead of the real story, we played the chump. so we have a responsibility as well. but jeff, when people say why are you showing press conferences or covering the president s tweets. whether or not you think he is a buffoon or not, he s the president of the united states and that s what we do. we cover him. but go back to the campaign. go back to after the fact the grabbing tape, what came out immediately? leaked e-mails. squirrel! we turned our attent