eighth amendment was ratified so whatever cruel and unusual punishment is does not include the death penalty. some crimes were so heinous, some crimes are so heinous that death penalty is just and appropriate. shannon: the attorney general said the justice department upholds rule of law, we owe it to their victims to carry forward the sentence imposed by the justice system. this goes to congress. they pass the laws, they elected them to change it and lawmakers don t want it available. this has been a long and storied past, the context being the supreme court in the 70s reinstated it. we look at state-level laws, 21 states that found, based on their state constitutions they chose not to do the death penalty or moratoriums, 25
into his house because he s not going along with it, and this is bad for manafort? right. well, look, no law enforcement officer on earth ever believes someone involved in an investigation who says i m fully cooperating. they can t. i mean, you would be a chump as a law enforcement official, wouldn t you? oh, gosh, he told me he gave me everything and he didn t. but one thing, chris, that a lot of your viewers don t know, the federal government can go look at your bank records, my bank records, they can go look at jeffrey s bank records now for no reason at all thanks to rulings from the supreme court in the 70s. they can do the same with your phone records. and manafort has a long and rather ugly trail with russian money from his work in ukraine. so he s a natural starting point for this. he failed to disclose foreign bank accounts that he had for a year, as we know. he recently disclosed those, way beyond the legal limit.
california and others that say, no, we re going to allow choice, then i think the supreme court will sort of rule in their favor. so i wouldn t be quick to say we know exactly how the court will rule on the cases. the neil gorsuch did not go in favor of conservatives with obamacare, upholding that. so you don t necessarily know how justices will rule on a case by case basis. how will democrats absorb that? i think democrats right now need to understand that they need to fight regardless of whether or not we win in the end. and i think no matter what, this is going to be a fight for really the literally lives of many american women. and i think that, you know, if you were wondering what you would have done before roe was supported and ruled on by the supreme court in the 70s, then do that right now in this particular moment. get out into the streets. wear white today.