The Delhi Police's Crime Branch have arrested a sharpshooter of the notorious Nasir-Hashim Baba gang near Jama Masjid in Delhi, said an official on Thursday.Police said that they have also recovered one pistol, two magazines and 12 bullets from .
Two people, including a dreaded criminal involved in multiple cases of murder and other crimes, were arrested after a brief exchange of fire in the national capital s northeast area, an official said on Wednesday.The accused were identified as .
The Delhi Police on Wednesday apprehended a man from a house in the Maujpur area of the national capital for being involved in several crimes and recovered one semi-automatic pistol and two live cartridges from his possession.
The Delhi Police on Wednesday apprehended a man from a house in the Maujpur area of the national capital for being involved in several crimes and recovered one semi-automatic pistol and two live cartridges from his possession.
Delhi Police has busted an interstate gang of auto lifters involved in multiple motorcycle thefts. Police have also arrested six men in connection with the case.