A time that sfmta has contacted me anyway but they cant get that result. If someone doesnt respond to them, they can put them out of service. Who accepts the call, who denies the call, this kind of minutia, if you dont like the way fly wheel works, dont use fly wheel. I know were trying to get this thing going but really what were trying to do the thing going. Whether you like coke or pepsi really doesnt matter, people are going to drink it. Some people like yellow, some people like luxor, some people dont care, they just want a guy rolling around with a meter, unfortunately. One thing thats indicated is fti wants it use gps for meter and thats not acceptable for weights and measures so look at that more closely but we it goes into delineation and deficiencies of this time and space of travel. We should look into that because theres lots of conditions here in San Francisco for traffic and construction. Next speaker. Mark gruberg. Thank you, mark gruberg, im speaking here for myself, no
Its not an overnight thing, we are not issuing all these new spots as of this vote, its something you are anticipating doing and as you are doing that you will also be working with the state so we will have this multi pronged approach when the new things come in. And we will continue to bring new legislation on the board. Other communities around california, moving in this direction . So when we go to the legislation, others are supporting this . Ill let bob take a crack at this one. Theres a lot of interest in what were doing and local governments tend to always support local control, right . On november 8, lisa foster and myself gave a presentation to the California Public parking association. We were the last session on the last day and we had the place pretty much filled, thats how much interest there was. Separate from that, we had the director of Parking Enforcement from the city of richmond come up, give us a card. People from los angeles, the point is and the city of sacramento
Restriction. Also i dont think we mentioned in the presentation that were going to change the requirements to 4 percent. Were starting to prepare for new requirements we believe to be coming to us any way. We have heard some concern in the feedback if we increase blue zones but cant implement the rest of these recommendations then instead of effectively increasing the general parking supply, were decreasing it. Correct. Thats something that well be cautious of as we develop the transmission plan for increasing the number of blue zones and as we implement it. Its not an overnight thing, we are not issuing all these new spots as of this vote, its something you are anticipating doing and as you are doing that you will also be working with the state so we will have this multi pronged approach when the new things come in. And we will continue to bring new legislation on the board. Other communities around california, moving in this direction . So when we go to the legislation, others are su
Public utility commission, violation of no license with mta, violation of dispatch, it is also listen to me please also there is now two meter in the cab, one is allowed by San Francisco weight and measures and mta, the other one is not, belongs to uber, who is uber, who is uber technology. They dont have license, how do they operate. All of them from uber technology, the game is cash money and all over they are going to put us out of business. Nor aiesa good evening, my name is nor aiesa, i have been a driver for about 35 years, i have experienced up cycles and down cycles. This cycle i must be honest its one of the worst i have experienced and yet i have not seen the market end of the tunnel. But i still strongly believe that we can do things to fix it. Its fixable, we still can save it. However, we all have to compromise a little bit and i use the word compromise, not sacrifice, its not there yet but we have to do something about it. I would be willing to discuss all the small detai
Services that dispatch legal taxicabs. Okay, thanks. Thank you, mr. Cornberg. A second comment . No, im sorry, we can only have one Public Comment for speaker in the time period, otherwise it wouldnt be fair. Im sorry. inaudible . No, thank you, im sorry, we can only have one Public Comment per speaker. Thank you. The chairman had said we were going to postpone consideration of the item until after closed session. Yes. Would you like to move on to item 14 . Authorizing the director of transportation to execute an agreement and authorizing 9 million, madam chairman you have one person who indicated an interest in addressing you. Do you want to explain this one or go right to Public Comment . I hope the staff report was fairly selfexplanatory. We dont talk about it often but everybody in the taxi industry knows that the airport is an important part of the taxi ecosystem here in San Francisco. The airport is upgrading their systems and this is essentially an mou that would authorize us to