Representatives from North Star Planning made their first appearance in front of the Boothbay Harbor Selectboard after being chosen in May to consult with the town on municipal adherence to LD 2003. Ben Smith and Charles Tetelman spoke to the.
The Boothbay Harbor selectboard accepted a resignation from Planning Board Chair Tom Churchill during its Feb. 12 meeting. In his resignation letter, Churchill said he is unable to follow planning board rules for attendance and decided to resign. “.
Alfred Barter said he came to the Sept. 25 Boothbay Harbor selectmen’s meeting to bring them up to speed on the affordable housing development. Barter spoke during public comment with concerns about the construction and what, according to him, was.
Roger and Lisa Matthews want Boothbay and Boothbay Harbor to slow down. The couple spoke to Boothbay Harbor selectmen July 24 about making regional roads safer for all traffic by keeping speeds low on shared streets. The Matthews run Pedego, an.
Housing in Boothbay Harbor took the spotlight at the June 12 selectboard meeting. Members of the selectboard and planning board discussed how town officials can coordinate on planning. Selectboard Chair Michael Tomko said housing has been identified.