The Boothbay Harbor planning board moved forward on two housing developments April 10, potentially allowing up to 11 new homes. After several rounds of reviews to gather needed documents, the board approved the site plan application for the seven-.
The public notice published in the Feb. 8 issue of the newspaper had the wrong date of the Boothbay Harbor Planning Board meeting. The meeting is Feb. 14, not Feb. 24. The agenda is below. Town of Boothbay Harbor Planning Board AGENDA Wednesday ,.
The Community School District planning and vote on the $89 million school renovations and building dominated the local news in 2023, with the end result being the voters turning down the plan in November. This coming year, voters will be asked to.
What started as a site plan review turned into an airing of grievances as abutters raised concerns about Boothbay Harbor’s affordable housing development. During the Dec. 13 planning board meeting, claims of ongoing runoff issues, flooded properties.
Alfred Barter said he came to the Sept. 25 Boothbay Harbor selectmen’s meeting to bring them up to speed on the affordable housing development. Barter spoke during public comment with concerns about the construction and what, according to him, was.