“The potential growth and beneficial impacts of cell-cultured meat and seafood are significant,” but only if the public can have confidence that these products are produced sustainably and safely, which will require ongoing scrutiny of environmental claims, and would ideally require firms to submit food additive petitions, says nonprofit environmental advocacy group The Environmental Defense Fund (EDF).
Europe’s largest frozen food company has teamed up with cultivated seafood start-up BlueNalu to explore the introduction of cell-based seafood products to Europe. Nomad will bring a ‘wealth of expertise in fish and seafood’ to the partnership, CEO Stéfan Descheemaeker tells FoodNavigator.
Meat, egg, and dairy ‘alternatives’ usually come with qualifying language (plant-based eggs; meatless nuggets, oatmilk). But what should we call next generation products that are not simply mimicking the real thing, but in many cases, are the ‘real’ thing, just produced in a different way?
Cell-cultured human milk will be nutritional gamechanger for infant formula, says BIOMILQ, ‘but it’s not bio-identical to mother’s milk’ By Elaine Watson BIOMILQ – a North Carolina-based startup culturing human mammary cells that lactate – says new tests show its milk is not bio-identical to breastmilk, but is significantly closer to it than any infant formula currently on the market.
Co-founder and CEO Michelle Egger told FoodNavigator-USA:
“We’re probably about a year from a whole human milk product that could go into market, but we have a heck of a lot of regulatory work ahead of us before that point. We’re very focused on bringing whole human milk to market direct to consumer.