Australian-based cell-cultivated meat company Vow is moving from extinct animals to something more familiar with the release of Forged Parfait, featuring a cell-cultivated meat product based on the Japanese quail, company Co-founder and CEO George Peppou told FoodNavigator-USA.
According to delegates from Italy, France and Austria, cellular agriculture practices represent a threat to primary farm-based approaches and ‘genuine’ food production methods.
European cultivated chicken ingredients may soon be winging their way to Asia if Vital Meat is successful in its novel food regulatory submission to the Singapore Food Agency (SFA).
Biotech startup, Clever Carnivore, closed $7m of seed round funding to expand production of its low-cost cultivated pork sausage with plans to launch its prototype, the Clever Bratwurst in early 2024 without asking the consumer to pay more, Virginia Rangos, the company’s CEO and co-founder told FoodNavigator-USA.
UK-based Ivy Farm, which produces cultivated meat, began as a spin-off from Oxford University. Now, says its new CSO, Dr. Harsh Amin, commercialisation is in sight.