What happened: On Tuesday a total of 3,292.33 Ether (CRYPTO: ETH) worth $5,266,484, based on the current value of Ethereum at time of publication ($1,599.62), was burned from Ethereum transactions.
What happened: On Monday a total of 4,449.71 Ether (CRYPTO: ETH) worth $7,082,999, based on the current value of Ethereum at time of publication ($1,591.79), was burned from Ethereum transactions.
What happened: On Sunday a total of 2,078.35 Ether (CRYPTO: ETH) worth $3,244,361, based on the current value of Ethereum at time of publication ($1,561.03), was burned from Ethereum transactions.
What happened: On Thursday a total of 4,024.74 Ether (CRYPTO: ETH) worth $6,558,190, based on the current value of Ethereum at time of publication ($1,629.47), was burned from Ethereum transactions.
What happened: On Wednesday a total of 4,091.09 Ether (CRYPTO: ETH) worth $6,700,552, based on the current value of Ethereum at time of publication ($1,637.84), was burned from Ethereum transactions.