What happened: On Thursday a total of 5,578.72 Ether (CRYPTO: ETH) worth $10,579,992, based on the current value of Ethereum at time of publication ($1,896.49), was burned from Ethereum transactions.
What happened: On Wednesday a total of 5,358.63 Ether (CRYPTO: ETH) worth $10,128,934, based on the current value of Ethereum at time of publication ($1,890.21), was burned from Ethereum transactions.
What happened: On Tuesday a total of 6,384.05 Ether (CRYPTO: ETH) worth $12,203,624, based on the current value of Ethereum at time of publication ($1,911.58), was burned from Ethereum transactions.
What happened: On Monday a total of 4,588.44 Ether (CRYPTO: ETH) worth $8,670,080, based on the current value of Ethereum at time of publication ($1,889.55), was burned from Ethereum transactions.
What happened: On Thursday a total of 6,854.19 Ether (CRYPTO: ETH) worth $13,459,506, based on the current value of Ethereum at time of publication ($1,963.69), was burned from Ethereum transactions.