What happened: On Sunday a total of 3,087.63 Ether (CRYPTO: ETH) worth $5,592,687, based on the current value of Ethereum at time of publication ($1,811.32), was burned from Ethereum transactions.
What happened: On Thursday a total of 4,760.98 Ether (CRYPTO: ETH) worth $8,767,440, based on the current value of Ethereum at time of publication ($1,841.52), was burned from Ethereum transactions.
What happened: On Wednesday a total of 5,116.84 Ether (CRYPTO: ETH) worth $9,456,434, based on the current value of Ethereum at time of publication ($1,848.10), was burned from Ethereum transactions.
What happened: On Tuesday a total of 4,884.68 Ether (CRYPTO: ETH) worth $8,957,679, based on the current value of Ethereum at time of publication ($1,833.83), was burned from Ethereum transactions.
What happened: On Monday a total of 5,099.82 Ether (CRYPTO: ETH) worth $9,362,153, based on the current value of Ethereum at time of publication ($1,835.78), was burned from Ethereum transactions.