What happened: On Wednesday a total of 7,635.20 Ether (CRYPTO: ETH) worth $18,852,771, based on the current value of Ethereum at time of publication ($2,469.19), was burned from Ethereum transactions.
What happened: On Monday a total of 4,768.82 Ether (CRYPTO: ETH) worth $12,226,297, based on the current value of Ethereum at time of publication ($2,563.80), was burned from Ethereum transactions.
What happened: On Sunday a total of 6,712.08 Ether (CRYPTO: ETH) worth $17,019,756, based on the current value of Ethereum at time of publication ($2,535.69), was burned from Ethereum transactions.
What happened: On Wednesday a total of 12,104.92 Ether (CRYPTO: ETH) worth $28,248,160, based on the current value of Ethereum at time of publication ($2,333.61), was burned from Ethereum transactions.
What happened: On Monday a total of 6,902.89 Ether (CRYPTO: ETH) worth $14,299,467, based on the current value of Ethereum at time of publication ($2,071.52), was burned from Ethereum transactions.