School it can be a huge impact on their lives and, yes it is a sex crime and the involve the da and as parents were thinking oh, your kids can go on the social months and posts things that their friends might be sending them and like i said again, it is a lack of awareness and i just want to be the one to let parents and the panel know that somewhere in the policy should be stated that kids should not do that because when it comes up or if it is worded differently in the policy we dont know kids can post anything and be jailed you know it can affect their whole entire lives i want to thank you for just hearing me out and unfortunately my son he goes to kidnap sf academy and is up for expulsion so i want to give him a chance to speak with that because he was not being treated fairly it was like a number of other children maybe 8 or 9 kids were involved in it and you know my son got as an africanamerican male he got you know the wrong end of the stick got treat the worst like he made the
Public education we need it for everyone and in that light we mentioned how the survey and had so many responses 11 hundred responses what can San Francisco Unified School District do to help keep you as an employee in the district out of that ill not mention a i will mention a couple of negatives nothing ive returned i had enough and another person said this is one of the worst district in california im wearing a tshirt San Francisco 210 east statements are on the fast side ill hope in light of what williams talked about well be constructive how to come up with better pay for San Francisco and our students . Another one of the statements what can the district do to help me to stay here value me as an employee period that value can come with heir pay most definitely address that like crazy but is a babblsabbat please consider what we have said tonight. Good evening commissioner Vice President walton im carolyn the u a sf for paraprofessionals and a special paul rivera k through 8 there
Mr. Walton ms. Ing thank you. Thank you. Please join me for pledge of allegiance for pledge of allegiance to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Thank you it is good to see everyone here in attention this evening we will have a packed agenda well hear if our public first item a approval of the minutes from the regular Board Meeting from january 10th. I move adoption of the minutes. Thank you roll call please. Thank you ms. Ing on the minutes mr. Cook mr. Haney ms. Mendozamcdonnell dr. Murase ms. Norton mr. Sanchez thank you and mr. Walton thank you 5 is. Thank you ms. Casco has been jounsz or announces members of the public are remind if he with wish to address the board of education an valid can complete and speaker card and presented it to the which you have been assistant speaker cards will not be accepted to be an item arrested before the board presentations to the board of education we have the sprint report superi