chavez is chiming in on libya. he says that the united states is exaggerating and distorting the situation in libya to justify an invasion. well, there will be dire consequences that could include layoffs. now, that is according to wisconsin governor scott walker. walker plans to release his new state budget today as these protests continue, which brings us to our talk back question with carol costello joining us in atlanta. what do we have? things are about to get tense later this afternoon in wisconsin. scott walker has issued an ultimatum or a 24-hour notice to those democratic state senators who fled the state 11 days ago to prevent a vote on the governor s budget repair bill, the bill that guts collective bargaining. come home. there are dire consequences. dire consequences i don t think any of us, republican or democrat alike, would like to see happen here in the state of
to the issues of collective bargaining. he wants this budget repair bill to go through and he doesn t want to get dog bogged down with a bunch of unflattering pictures in the evening news. bill: all right. probably smart. mike, thanks very much. we appreciate it. next on the run down, brit hume will weigh in on the increase on pro union violence. later, cnn criticizes how jesse watters confronted demonstrators outside the fox news homeowners rates have been going up, but you can still refinance to a fixed rate as low as 4.75% at, where customers save an average of $293 a month. callending tree at. today.
to the issues of collective bargaining. he wants this budget repair bill to go through and he doesn t want to get dog bogged down with a bunch of unflattering pictures in the evening news. bill: all right. probably smart. mike, thanks very much. we appreciate it. next on the run down, brit hume will weigh in on the increase on pro union violence. later, cnn criticizes how jesse watters confronted demonstrators outside the fox news headquarters in new york. bernie goldberg will analyze that coming up. we ve got a flood. hits the road, the nose the angels start second guessing where they tread. cl 1-800-steemer
those locked out are fighting back. kill the bill! greta: protesters, it is clear they are fired up. the governor is standing firm. is anyone listening? if they don t come home by the end of the day tomorrow, not my office, not my administration but the the state stands to lose the opportunity to achieve 165 million dollars of savings through this budget repair bill. if work is not completed by the end of the day tuesday. that s 165 million dollars that would have to come elsewhere in this state budget before the end of june of 2011. greta: will the 14 beat the deadline and return home to madison? mike tobin joins us live from madison. reporter: those 14 senate democrats somewhere over the border have given no indication that they will return.
criminal after this is over? you know, look, first, let s get him out of power. if somebody wants to take him. bill: we should take him. the panam jet was ours. i agree. you are right about that. bill: all right. on the wisconsin thing, just real quick, less than a minute. what should walker do now? he has got to do something. those guys aren t coming back to the state. what should he doof? i think he is doing the right thing by waiting until this bipartisan fiscal board says he is out of time in order to handle the financing problem of the state. then he ought to go ahead and allow people to be fired and then consider or be laid off and then he ought to consider separating these two measures so they can go ahead and give the state the local and school districts the tool to handle their collective bargaining problems. and then let the democrats continue to be out and they can t pass the budget repair bill but they can pass the collective bargaining piece of it and help the lo